Page 97 of Beautiful Trauma
“I should probably get on my bus,” I said, trying to see the time on my phone through my watery eyes.
“I’m offended you chose a different bus than mine.” He let go of me and I felt the loss of his warmth.
“I wasn’t exactly sure what the status of our friendship was. I didn’t know if you’d want me around, honestly. Can’t say I’d blame you.”
“You’re my bestie. Of course, I want you here. But I get it. I was worried too.”
I chuckled at his use of the word ‘bestie.’
“So sad I’m still your best friend and yet you aren’t mine.” It was a lie. I knew it was a lie, but I wasn’t ready to reassign Eli’s title just yet.
“I wouldn’t dream of taking his place,” he whispered.
I just nodded and went back to my bus, crawling directly into my bunk and drawing the curtain closed. When Mish boarded, she called out for me and I verbally confirmed my presence, but she left me to my thoughts.
Mish: You good?
Me: Yeah. Just tired.
Mish: Night. Let me know if you need anything, okay?
Me: Thx. Night.
* * *
Sergio: Story time?
Me: Got anything good?
Sergio: You loaded my books, so you tell me.
Me: Those come highly recommended by the internet smut readers. Are you reading me smut now?
Dots appeared and disappeared for a few minutes while Sergio composed his response.
Sergio: Are you gonna take turns reading?
I hit his contact on my phone to call him. “No. This bus doesn’t want to hear that shit,” I laughed.
“Another reason you belong on my bus.”
“I’ll consider moving. But for tonight, maybe you just tell me what you’ve been up to for the last few months.”
“I took Mom to Europe. Let me just get ready for bed and I’ll call you back and tell you all about it.”
I agreed and got myself ready as well. When the video call appeared, I propped the phone on a bag and fell asleep listening to him tell me about his trip.
I watched her sleep for longer than I probably should have before finally closing my eyes and falling asleep myself. I wanted to reach out and touch her. For months, all I had was the vision of her on that floor, nearly lifeless. Seeing her in person, touching her, made the dread I never seemed to let go of since that day finally release. It felt like a piece of myself snapped back into place.
There were still holes, but those would likely always be open. I knew I wanted more than she did, but there was no way I was giving up what she was willing to offer.
The next day, she tossed her stuff into an empty bunk on my bus, telling me her bus was lonely. I found that hard to believe, since it was full of people who were her friends, but I was happy she was going to be even closer.
Our usual shenanigans commenced that day. We played pranks on each other and everyone else. When it came time to head onstage, she walked with us, stopping just out of sight of the audience.