Page 61 of Fifty Shades Freed (Fifty Shades 3)
Priapic CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
From: Anastasia Grey
Subject: Oh No!
Date: August 23, 2011 11:20
To: Christian Grey
I'l behave. I wouldn't want my boss's boss's boss getting on top of me at work. ;)
Now let me get on with my job. My boss's boss's boss may fire my ass.
Anastasia Grey
Commissioning Editor, SIP
From: Christian Grey
Subject: &*%$&*&*
Date: August 23, 2011 11:23
To: Anastasia Grey
Believe me when I say there are a great many things he'd like to do to your ass right now. Firing you is not one of them. Christian Grey
CEO & Ass man, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
His response makes me giggle.
From: Anastasia Grey
Subject: Go Away!
Date: August 23, 2011 11:26
To: Christian Grey
Don't you have an empire to run?
Stop bothering me.
My next appointment is here.
I thought you were a breast man . . .
Think about my ass, and I'l think about yours . . . ILY x
Anastasia Grey
Now Moist Commissioning Editor, SIP
I cannot help my despondent mood as Sawyer drives me to the office on Thursday. Christian's threatened business trip to New York has happened, and though he's only been gone a few hours, I miss him already. I fire up my computer, and there's an email waiting for me. My mood lifts immediately.
From: Christian Grey
Subject: Miss you already
Date: August 25, 2011 04:32
To: Anastasia Grey
Mrs. Grey
You were adorable this morning.
Behave while I'm away.
I love you.
Christian Grey
CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
This will be the first night we've slept apart since the night before our wedding. I intend to have a few cocktails with Kate - that should help me sleep. Impulsively, I e-mail him back, although I know that he's still flying.
From: Anastasia Grey
Subject: Behave Yourself!
Date: August 25, 2011 09:03
To: Christian Grey
Let me know when you land - I'l worry until you do.
And I shall behave. I mean how much trouble can I get into with Kate?
Anastasia Grey
Commissioning Editor, SIP
I hit send and sip my latte, courtesy of Hannah. Who knew I'd grow to love coffee? In spite of the fact that I'm going out this evening with Kate, I feel like a chunk of me is missing. At the moment, it's thirtyfive thousand feet somewhere above America en route to New York. I didn't know I could feel this unsettled and anxious just because Christian's away. Surely over time I won't feel this loss and uncertainty, will I? I let out a heavy sigh and continue with my work. Around lunchtime, I start manically checking my e-mail and my BlackBerry for a text. Where is he? Has he landed safely? Hannah asks if I want lunch, but I'm too apprehensive and I wave her away. I know it's irrational, but I need to be sure he's arrived safely. My office phone rings, startling me. "Ana St - Grey."
"Hi." Christian's voice is warm with a trace of amusement. Relief floods through me.
"Hi," I respond, grinning from ear to ear. "How was your flight?"
"Long. What are you doing with Kate?"
Oh no. "We're just going out for a quiet drink."
Christian says nothing.
"Sawyer and the new woman - Prescott - are coming with, to watch over us," I offer, trying to placate him.
"I thought Kate was coming to the apartment."
"She is after a quick drink." Please let me go out!
Christian sighs heavily. "Why didn't you tell me?" he says quietly. Too quietly.
I mentally kick myself. "Christian, we'll be fine. I have Ryan, Sawyer, and Prescott here. It's only a quick drink."
Christian remains resolutely silent, and I know he's not happy. "I've only seen her a few times since you and I met. Please. She's my best friend."
"Ana, I don't want to keep you from your friends. But I thought she was coming back to the apartment."
"Okay," I acquiesce. "We'll stay in."
"Only while this lunatic is out there. Please."
"I've said okay," I mutter in exasperation, rolling my eyes. Christian snorts softly down the phone.
"I always know when you're rolling your eyes at me."
I scowl at the receiver. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I'll tell Kate."
"Good," he breathes, his relief evident. I feel guilty for worrying him.
"Where are you?"
"On the tarmac at JFK."
"Oh, so you just landed."
"Yes. You asked me to call the moment I landed."
I smile. My subconscious glares at me. See? He does what he says he's going to do.
"Well, Mr. Grey, I'm glad one of us is punctilious."
He laughs. "Mrs. Grey, your gift for hyperbole knows no bounds. What am I going to do with you?"
"I am sure you'll think of something imaginative. You usually do."
"Are you flirting with me?"
I sense his grin. "I'd better go. Ana, do as you're told, please. The security team knows what they're doing."
"Yes, Christian, I will." I sound exasperated again - but jeez, I get the message.
"I'll see you tomorrow evening. I'll call you later."
"To check up on me?"
"Oh, Christian!" I scold him.
"Au revoir, Mrs. Grey."
"Au revoir, Christian. I love you."
He inhales sharply. "And I you, Ana."
Neither of us hangs up.
"Hang up, Christian," I whisper.
"You're a bossy little thing, aren't you?"
"Your bossy little thing."