Page 7 of Dark Savior
He stroked the sash. "Red, baby girl."
He lifted the band of my panties. "White, baby."
Someone knocked at the door. Drawing a scowl from Dean, the knock repeated.
"Wait!" he barked at the visitor. He closed his eyes for a second, then opened them, his gaze drilling into mine.
I started crying again. He kissed one tear away before cupping my face. Gaze softening, he stroked my cheekbones. "Say yes, Garnet."
My breathing hitched then caught a second time as I bordered on the edge of hyperventilating. I couldn't speak.
"Give me a nod, baby girl."
God help me—I nodded.
With something like gratitude shining in his green gaze, Dean crossed the room and opened the door. On the other side stood a rail thin male barely out of high school by my guess. More boy than man, he whispered something in Dean’s ear, his eyes on my spread legs the entire time. The boy licked his lips, the nervous top then bottom pattern repeating itself until Dean finally nodded.
When Dean returned to the bed, the boy moved a little more into the room and propped his lanky frame against the closed door.
Dean resumed his position next to me. "Dimebag is going to watch me train you."
"No." Whispering, I shook my head, my eyes pleading with him not to do anything or let the boy watch. I knew I had given my acceptance of what was to come just seconds before, but I didn't know why. I couldn't really trust Dean. Hell, I couldn't trust myself. My body betrayed me with every look or stroke he offered. I didn’t need a witness to how complete my capitulation to his touch would be. "Please…"
Reprimanding me, Dean flicked a finger sharply against my mound. "Dimebag is Condor's cousin and Condor is my friend, baby."
Tugging at the fabric of my underwear, he arched a brow at me and I realized at last that he expected me to believe anything he punctuated with baby girl and disbelieve any statement with baby attached to it.
I closed my eyes, knowing I had no reason to believe anything he said. He lived in a house with bikers who dealt drugs. If he hadn’t killed the man at the apartment, he at least shared a home with the killer. My mind rebelled at trusting him, even as my body ached to believe.
Opening my eyes, I glared at him.
Laughing, Dimebag danced closer. "Bitch is pissed."
Smiling coldly, Dean pointed at Dimebag and then at the wall near the foot of the bed. "Stand there, asshole."
His hand resting warmly on my stomach, Dean licked the edge of my ear, his voice a low murmur. "This is what it takes, baby girl. My touching you, fucking you. I won't lie—I'm going to enjoy making you come."
His hand moved up to the front clasp of my bra. An efficient pinch of his thumb and finger opened it. He brushed the cups away and stared down at my breasts before wrapping a big hand along the side of each.
"Beautiful." He sucked the nipple closest to him into his mouth, his fingers teasing my other breast. He nipped, pinched, tugged and rolled, darkening both nipples from their usual strawberry pink.
Holding the tip of one between his teeth, Dean looked up at my face. The skin of my breast and nipple stretched, just a hint of pain quickly subsumed by my reluctant arousal. He released the tip then took another slow licking suck of my flesh into his mouth while he stared across at the other hardened peak and thumbed it.
"So smooth, baby girl." His hand traveled down to my panties, lifting the edge of the top band to expose the dark auburn of my pubic hair. "Seeing you like this makes me hungry."
He looked up to my face, his gaze so wicked and sly it quickly stoked my arousal to a blazing bonfire unlike any I’d ever experienced. "You got something I can eat?"
I shook my head, my denial exaggerated and desperate. I already hovered at the edge of orgasm. Just looking at him triggered hard contractions throughout my pussy as I drank in his dilated pupils, the flared nostrils and how generous lips had swollen from sucking at my nipple. I’d come if he placed his mouth against me.
"But you do, Garnet." His fingers slipped under the fabric of my underwear to stroke between my legs. "So much sweet, juicy nectar that you need to share."
My breathing grew erratic, my blink rate far exceeding my pulse as I tried not to lift and press against his fingers.
"Baby, I’m just going to take a little taste."