Page 13 of Sex Education
“See you next week, Professor Patton,” she said, glancing in through the window.
“I’d actually like you to attend Thursday’s class, Miss Monroe,” I said, unable to stop myself.
She had no reason to be at Thursday’s class with the guys, but like I had told her, I was a greedy bastard who would take what she gave me.
“With the guys?” She widened her eyes. “You would?”
I tightened my hand around the steering wheel. “Yes, I would. And you might want to bring a spare change of underwear for it. You’re going to need them.”
“So,” Heather hummed once I walked out of class, “tell me all about it!”
She usually waited for me every night outside the Cathedral of Learning—or Cathy, as we called it—so we could walk back to the apartment that her parents, thankfully, paid for. I was so grateful for them, especially after what had happened with my family a few years back.
“Tell you about what?” I asked, clutching my books to my chest and blushing.
Yesterday, I might’ve sorta told her that I was attending a Sex Education class with a very handsome professor. I’d promised I’d save all the juicy details for our walk home today, but I hadn’t expected to actually lose my virginity to him!
“Don’t play, Sierra. You know what I’m talking about. Your Sex Ed course!” She nudged me and stopped at the outdoor Crazy Coffee Bar to grab a drink for the walk. “Wasn’t your second class, like, cock riding or something like that?”
“Yes,” I whispered, glancing around at the students looking at us. “Can you quiet down?”
After I gave my order to the cashier, we waited in the cold for our orders while other students lingered around with their friends. I bounced on my toes, my cheeks red from the windchill and from thinking about last night.
I had lost my virginity!
I still couldn’t believe it.
Once most of the students grabbed their orders and headed to their dorms, Heather beamed next to me. “So, tell me about it. Did you learn how to ride dick?” She wiggled her eyebrows. “So you can stop humping your pill—”
“I do not do that!” I scolded quietly. “You’re one to talk. You’re a virgin too.”
She smirked. “Not for long.”
My eyes widened. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that I’ve been chatting up this guy online,” she said, smirking. “I met him on a BDSM website.”
I slapped her shoulder. “Heather! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Because it hasn’t happened yet, but something has with you,” she gushed. “You’ve literally been glowing since this morning. And I might’ve been peering out the window when that nice car dropped you off the other night. So, what happened?”
Biting back a smile, I leaned forward. “We had some demonstrations.”
“Shut up.”
“I’m being serious, Feather,” I hummed, using her nickname. “And they were … very explicit.”
With her pupils dilated, she grasped my hand. “Like real-life demonstrations?! Were there people who actually came in and fucked in front of the class?! How do I sign up because I need to—”
“Quiet down,” I said in a hushed tone again. “And no. Not other people.”
She furrowed her brow. “Then, how were there—oh shit!” She slapped my arm repeatedly and jumped up and down, causing a whole scene in the middle of campus. “Bitch, don’t tell me you lost your virgini—”
I smacked a hand over her big mouth and yanked her behind the coffee shack building so nobody would be able to see us speaking about the dom who had taken my virginity at his BDSM club last night. Fuck, the more I thought that, the less it even seemed real.