Page 54 of Sex Education
I fiddled with the end of my sleeve and stared at my thighs. “No.”
“No?! You’re not going to ask your sexy professor?” she hummed. “Hector said that he’s British?! Why the hell didn’t you tell me that he’s freaking British, Sierra?! That’s, like, the first thing that should’ve come out of your mouth!”
“I’m not going to ask him to come with me,” I said. “We’re just casual.”
She arched a brow at me. “Buying someone a diamond necklace isn’t casual.”
“Yeah, but …” I glanced in the mirror at Athena on the bed.
“Tell her, Athena.”
“Do it,” Athena said. “Ask him to come.”
“Ask him to come,” Heather cheered. “Besides, Hector is going to be there.”
“You’re bringing Hector to your parents’ Christmas party?!” I exclaimed.
What would her mother say if she found out her daughter was dating someone twice her age who owned a BDSM club downtown?! She had to either be crazy or she loved the thrill of possibly getting caught.
“He’s my dad’s best friend,” Heather said.
My eyes bugged out of my head. “That Hector?! The one your mom kept calling Hec? I remember him from last year’s party.”
Goddamn, they weren’t related biologically, but the Pattons had adopted some attractive kids.
“Yes, the sexy Hector,” Heather said, wiggling her brows. “You have to bring Steven.”
“That means I’ll have to ask him,” I whispered.
“Heather!” I said. “It’s not that easy.”
“It’s, Hey, Sexy Professor Man, come to a Christmas party with me and then fuck me afterward.” She giggled. “It is literally that simple. Men are not as complex creatures as you think, Sea.”
Athena snickered from the bed. “She’s right. That’s all it takes.”
“We’re more complex than that,” Charlie—who I hadn’t seen until now—said, waltzing into the bedroom and sitting beside Athena on the bed.
Charlie and Athena had been best friends since freshman year of college.
Athena playfully rolled her eyes. “Please.”
“You think I’d be convinced to go to a party if promised sex afterward?” Charlie asked her, his brown eyes wide, like a puppy dog’s.
They stared at each other for a few moments, Charlie giving Athena playful eyes while Athena attempted to be uninterested. I glanced at Heather in the makeup mirror and bit back a smile because we both knew they secretly had a thing for each other.
But Charlie was too good and too sweet to make the first move.
“Anyway,” Heather said, curling her finger around a strand of my hair, “you’d better invite him tonight or else.”
“Or else?” I giggled. “You’re not too good at threats.”
“Shut up.” She laughed, setting her hands on my shoulders. “You’re done.”
I nervously stared at myself in the mirror, heart racing at the thought of finally going on my first date since that idiot who I now called my ex-boyfriend. My lips curled into a smile, though my stomach was tight in knots.
Tonight, I’d have to ask Professor Patton to Heather’s Christmas party.