Page 90 of Sex Education
“Typically, breeding means …”
A giggle left my throat, and I leaned forward. “I know what breeding means, but what does it mean in this context, Sir? Does the thought of getting me pregnant with your child get you excited?”
He rubbed the back of his neck and glanced away. “I—I don’t … what I mean is …”
My chest was light and bubbly. “It turns me on.”
As if my words didn’t register, he ran a hand down his pant leg. “I thought—what?”
“You heard me.” I giggled. “Plus, I am not going to ever say that again out loud.”
Steven’s brown eyes darkened even more, and he pulled me onto his lap so I straddled his waist. His hard cock was nestled between my thighs. A wave of heat coursed through my body, my pussy pulsing.
“Breeding turns you on?” he asked.
“It definitely seems like it turns you on too. You’re so hard.”
A low growl—a noise that I had never heard Steven make—rumbled from his chest. I clenched, my nipples becoming even harder, and ground down against him. Through my oversize T-shirt, he seized my nipples between his fingers and squeezed them.
Just as Steven drew me in for a kiss, someone knocked on the front door. Steven pulled away slightly and glanced over at it, groaning slightly. After the knock came for a second time, he placed me on the couch beside him and readjusted his pants.
My lips curled into a smile. “You look excited.”
“Don’t get me started, love,” he murmured, throwing me a glance.
“Expecting visitors?”
When he pulled the door open, Michelle grinned from the hallway and thrust a plate full of freshly baked blueberry muffins at him. “Good morning!” she said, walking right into the room and heading over to me. “I wanted to check in on you to see how you are.”
Cheeks reddening, I fiddled with my sleeve. “I’m good. Sorry about last—”
“Oh, stop it!” she said, waving her hand dismissively. “I remember the first time I ever said my safeword in the middle of a scene. I was terrified and sobbed for hours afterward. Steven brought me muffins the next day because he had seen how torn up I was at the club.” She beamed at him over her shoulder. “So, I thought I’d return the favor.”
I smiled. “I didn’t know he could cook muffins.”
“He can’t,” she whispered loudly behind her hand, plopping down on the couch beside me and giggling softly to herself. “All the muffins were burned on the bottoms, but it was the thought that counted.”
“That’s so sweet.” I giggled.
“Anyway,” she said, rubbing my knee, “if you need to talk, you know where to find me. And if I’m on the floor at Radiant, just ask the front desk for me, and I’ll come out to chat with you anytime. Okay?”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
“Of course, sweetheart. So, what are your plans for—” Michelle stopped short when she spotted the contract on the coffee table. After eyeing it for a couple of moments, she glanced up at Steven, who had finished pouring her a cup of tea. “Never mind. I see you’ve both been busy.”
After side-eyeing his sister, Steven handed her the tea.
“Oh, I am so excited!” She jumped up and hurried to the door with Steven’s mug. “Well, I don’t want to keep you both from … things … so I’m going to see myself out. Can’t waste the tea. It’s my favorite. I’ll return your mug tomorrow. Toodaloo!”
The door slammed behind her, and then a moment later, she reopened it and ran over to Steven, patting him on the head. Yes, right on the head and a cute little pat, like you would with a boy. “I am so proud of you!”
And then she was off again.
We both waited for her to return, but she didn’t this time.
Steven picked up the muffins from the counter and brought them over to me. “Why don’t we hold off on any sexual endeavors for now? I don’t want to push it so soon after last night.” He handed me a muffin and pulled me off the couch, his hand smacking against my ass as he sent me down the hallway. “Get dressed. I have to pick up some groceries at Giant Eagle.”
“You, going grocery shopping at my favorite store?!” I exclaimed, running down the hall. “Say no more!”