Page 37 of F*ck You in My Head
As Lei rose with me, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He did not carry me to the bedroom, but to the kitchen and sat me down on the counter.
"Just because you want to eat me out doesn't mean we have to do it in the kitchen," I said with a grin that earned me a warning look.
"Watch your mouth. Maybe I'll change my mind and instead of putting an actual meal in front of you first, you'll just get..."
"Your cock?" I interrupted, amused. "I've eaten worse."
He opened his mouth, obviously overwhelmed by the answer. Grinning, I patted him on the shoulder.
"It's okay, you can answer when your blood has found its way back to your brain."
Lei clicked his tongue and let go of me. "One day I'll show you what I really think of these brazen words."
"In the hope that I will refrain from them in the future?" Because that wouldn't happen, no matter what punishment he came around the corner with.
"No. Just because I can."
From the outside, the brick building looked really inconspicuous. Located in an industrial area, it was just plain enough that only those involved knew its existence.
Since people came from all over the world to attend the party, the club was open every weekend. It started on Thursday night and ended on Monday morning. I knew people who stayed from start to finish– even though I personally couldn't recommend it. Or wanted to. Overstimulation was a real thing, even for someone who had visited many times before, it could become too much.
Audrey was by my side, not straying, though we had made it clear I would not stop her from doing her own exploring. The club was a safe place for everyone, and I was sure that Audrey would learn a thing or two about herself that she hadn't suspected before. I also hoped it would remind her to stand up for herself– that other people's opinions didn't matter because she was adult enough to make her own decisions. And most importantly, she was mature enough to be the person she wanted to be. Without having to apologize for it.
At first I was reluctant to invite her here. After all, I was well aware her ex-fiancé had already visited this place. However, instead of giving her a heads-up and spoiling her visit, I had made sure with a simple phone call that he would not be present tonight. The owners of the club kept a guest list, and to avoid conflicts, you could get certain information. As long as you were willing to make a small donation and had the appropriate level of trust.
Fortunately, the club was not very strict about the dress code. Ultimately, everyone was allowed to show up in whatever outfit they felt comfortable in. So while I had opted for the classic suit, Audrey had gone further. She had paired a short black satin dress with the red harness she usually wore for the livestreams. A small detail that might seem unimportant to most people, but it almost drove me crazy as it instantly painted clear pictures in my mind, reminding me of the positions she sometimes put her body in... just because she liked it.
I backed up a step to allow Audrey to continue. The club was relatively empty for the time of day, but that was probably because it was only Thursday and the weekend had yet to begin. Maybe it was the perfect time. Audrey wouldn't feel overwhelmed by the variety and I had a better overview of who was coming and going and could keep an eye on her.
After Alexander had been so shitty with her secret, I felt the urge to protect her from another such experience. One of the most important rules of the club was that no one was allowed to reveal what happened behind closed doors. But even in this respect, my trust was limited to myself– and not to the strangers, it was impossible to know who they might be friends with and where they might drop a few wrong words.
I followed Audrey to the bar. The music was loud, but not too loud. The dimmed lights made sure you could see enough to move around, but it wasn't so bright that you felt disturbed while indulging in other activities.
In the back, there were several hallways and doors leading off. One part led upstairs to the private rooms that could be booked by the hour for a longer stay to get away from the club action. Not unlike a hotel. The rest of the rooms were themed and open to everyone as long as they were not locked by the users for a little more privacy. Some of the rooms had mirrors that you could see through from one side. In general, nothing happened here without consensus, and the really hard games took place in the basement. Only the appropriate clientele knew about it, because even in the field of BDSM there were still demarcations when it came to certain practices. There was hardly a place that was more open than this, yet it seemed reasonable even to me to make gradations. That way, no one would see anything they did not explicitly want to see.
Audrey ordered for both of us while I sat down on one of the bar stools. My eyes were on her, not on what was happening in the background. I liked to observe, but at the moment nothing appealed to me more than her– because I could read in her face how she felt about this new environment. What she liked and what she knew at a glance would not suit her.
A glass appeared in front of me, so I took the whiskey from her while she dropped down on the stool next to me. I felt the tension between her shoulders. Soon it would disappear, I was sure. The first few minutes of a visit were always strange, because it was so different from what you usually saw in public or at a party. But once you got past your own morals and preconceived notions of the world, it was easy to find your way around.
"You come here a lot, don't you?" The question didn't surprise me. Audrey had begun to systematically put me through my paces. A fact I liked very much.
"Yes. And no, I haven't had a regular partner in the last few years." The only constant had been her streams. But I wouldn't say that aloud.
"Because you're incapable of relationships?"
A snort escaped me. My earlier statement came back to me– and eventually she would definitely pay a price for all the teasing. "That's right. I'm terrible. A real imposition. Affection is a foreign word to me, I'm absolutely incapable of caring for other people, and my true priorities lie with my job. Which is why you see me behind my desk right now. Obviously."
She narrowed her eyes before sticking her tongue out at me. "You can't complain about me when you give answers like that."
"I can complain about anything I want,Kjaere."
Admittedly, the nickname came far too easily, but it wasn't nearly close enough to the one I was supposed to use. Something to do with this island. My origin. My home.
"And what do you usually do when you're here?" she drilled on, unaffected.
Amused, I looked at her. "Play chess, what else?"