Page 6 of F*ck You in My Head
"Good," I replied, setting the fork aside and lifting the plate to my mouth to lick the last crumbs off the china. Then I threw the dishes into the pool, where they sank to the bottom next to my shoe.
Uninvolved, Lei had watched. "If you ever need help from someone not involved, you know my number."
* * *
Midnight,and still no sign of Alexander. The call to him and my father had gone to voicemail, so they were so deep into their work that they didn't even respond to inquiries. After the cake, I had gotten up to spend some time with the guests. I had smiled kindly, listened to early congratulations, and had conversations that were second to none in boredom. All the while, I was aware of Lei's inquiring gaze resting on my back.
Whenever I changed my position and moved around the room, he seemed to follow me. Always staying on the sidelines, paying attention to what I was doing. For a long time I could not make sense of it, but eventually it became clear.
Lei was waiting for the moment when my social battery would run out. Then he would gallantly bail me out, because no one else would.
A pang of gratitude haunted me– coupled with the hope that he had another piece of cake ready for me to eat secretly somewhere. The sugar was definitely able to lift my spirits.
The next group of people was waiting to talk to me just as I finished talking to the mayor's assistant.
I smiled at them apologetically. "I need a few minutes alone," I announced and turned on my heel.
Why wait until I was emotionally drained?
Pushing through the crowd, I made my way to the terrace, which overlooked the pool. It took a moment, but then Lei stepped through the door behind me.
I propped myself up on the railing with my forearms and stared into the night, illuminated by the lights of the pool below.
"You're watching me," I realized. "You have been all along."
This time, it wasn't a piece of cake that appeared in my field of vision, but a grilled cheese sandwich that made me want to kiss him. "Maybe because I've been talking to the kitchen staff, knowing how long it's been since you've had a proper meal, and secretly waiting for the moment when your body decides you've reached the end of the line."
I took the plate. "It shouldn't be your job to take care of that."
"But it is," he replied, leaning against the railing next to me and gesturing for me to finally eat.
If my mother saw this, she would have a fit. Cheese, white bread, all that fat and before the big day. In her eyes, it would be a miracle if I fit into the dress later.
"It's always been like this, right? That's why we get along so well. Because you're just there, and you care." And because we really liked one another. True friends were hard to find, so I was all the more grateful that some higher power had sent a man like Lei into my life. Even if it wasn't quite true. After all, he was my father's business partner and friend. I only benefited from having him visit regularly and attend almost every family event.
I took the first bite of the sandwich and immediately closed my eyes in awe. To feel the hot cheese melt on my tongue, to feel the flavor spread across my tongue... I really wanted to kiss him for this simple gesture. My body also thanked him for taking care of me. Over the past few hours, my mood had steadily dropped, now it was on its way up again.
"I don't think that's the reason for the understanding between us," he replied with a grin. We both knew that was only half true.
I chewed for a while before turning back to him. "You know what really surprised me? The fact that my father didn't insist that you perform the ceremony. He knows you have the aptitude for it, and usually he wants you involved in everything."
"Do you really think he didn't ask me? I graciously declined and then had to assure him that I would definitely be at the wedding. My presence was non-negotiable."
That made me smile. So my instinct wasn't that far off the mark, even though I definitely didn't want to imagine Lei marrying me off to Alexander. Not only would it feel strange, but it would make me think throughout the ceremony that he would soon see me naked on camera again.
"Sometimes I wonder how it ever came to be that you two are so close. From a professional perspective, I can understand it, but from a personal perspective..."
It was clear to me that occasionally you meet people you get along with and within a very short time you cannot imagine your life without them. You got used to them. Their company. Their ways. How they were an enrichment. Maybe it had been the same with Lei and my father?
"Actually, I took care of him. But those are stories better kept between your father and me." Lei was several years younger than him, and it showed. Still, he had no problem proving his loyalty at crucial moments.
"So I'll see you in church tomorrow." I did us both a favor and changed the subject.
"Yes. And if I were you, I'd go to bed now. Unless you want to listen to a rant from your makeup artist tomorrow. I hate to say it, but I'm sure your mom would find a reason to be outraged about it, too."
Seriously, I looked at him before raising an eyebrow. "And we don't want to risk that."