Page 76 of F*ck You in My Head
"No. But tell me how you plan to break it in. It's not just beautiful."
I pulled it out to get a feel for the weight. "No, it's not. This is really dangerous."
Adrenaline coursed through my veins. Excitement. Thrill. Anticipation.
"And?" she demanded.
"Your wetness. Your blood. Your tears. I want all of it. I want you to float in a lake of pain so you can learn that pure pleasure waits beneath the surface."
Her lips parted. I saw her skin heating. The box fell to the floor as I grabbed her legs and pulled her to the edge of the countertop, then untied the knot around her waist. The kimono parted down the middle, revealing her perfect, naked body.
Audrey's skin was flawless. So far I had left nothing but temporary marks. Scratches. Bruises from kisses or my fingers. Today I almost felt like leaving something permanent. I had held back for so long, always keeping a part of my sadistic side hidden.
But tonight, when she had personally handed me the instrument of her agony and lust alike...
That was what was missing before I could truly say that Audrey had given herself completely to me. She trusted me blindly in every way. Empowered me to carry her into other spheres.
"You want me to cry for you?" she asked breathlessly.
"Yes. I just don't know the reason yet. Lust? Pain? Despair? So many possibilities, and all so tempting."
With every second that the tension continued to build, her inner nervousness grew. Audrey found it hard to accept that she didn't know what would happen next. That she was leaving the decisions up to me.
"Will you make it up to me afterward?"
"Always," I replied, though she knew full well that was the case. If she needed reassurance, I would give it to her. Without exception. "Now put the handle in your mouth. Hold it with your teeth. You better not drop it while I do the rest."
She looked at me with wide eyes as I lifted the knife and positioned it so she could do exactly what I had instructed her to do. I felt how unprepared I had caught her with it. How I had tickled a boundary that neither of us had suspected before.
Only when she had the handle safely between her teeth did I turn to her kimono. I let one side slide over her shoulder, then the other.
Her breathing quickened, even though I had done nothing more than drop a garment on the counter and then just look at her. I bent down, for what I had said to her earlier had not been forgotten.
A gentle introduction before I took her into the dark shallows.
Although I tried to keep my tongue away from the hilt, I tasted the wood. The scent of the blade also rose to my nose. A mixture of metal, but also a bit burnt, as the material had been forged by hand. I also recognized the subtle hint of the oil with which it had been treated.
So many nuances– and such a perfect comparison to what happened to me when Lei's hands found their way to my body. It was never just about the sensations his fingers triggered, but everything else that was happening inside me. Simultaneously. Sometimes it was so overwhelming that I didn't know where my head was, and something told me it would be the same this time.
With the dark announcement he had already made, nervousness nestled in the pit of my stomach, along with a faint hint of anticipation.
As Lei bent down and disappeared with his head between my legs, tasting me as if I were his dessert, I realized this was just the beginning. The preparation for him to slowly lower me into the cold water, instead of pushing me in with one swift motion and hoping I remembered how to swim.
In deft circles, his tongue played around my clit before sliding to my entrance and applying light pressure. He did not penetrate me with his tongue or a finger, but there was no need. After a few seconds I felt myself responding to him. And since he hadn't forbidden me to use my hands, I put one on his head, held on to his hair and leaned back a little, the handle of the knife still firmly between my teeth.
It wasn't the first time he'd stuffed my mouth, but never before had it been a knife. If I lost it, it would not only hurt me, but him as well. So I held it so tightly, if only out of paranoia, that I felt my jaw start to hurt.
But I could not concentrate on it for long because Lei demanded my attention elsewhere. His hands slid over my naked body, reminding me of all the times before when he had brought me to orgasm in record time. With his tongue, with his fingers, with all the toys he had used against me because he had developed a penchant for getting me ready.
My breathing quickened as lust and excitement raced through me. I closed my eyes, letting him hear how close I was to coming.
Determined, he placed his lips around my clit as his tongue continued to rub against the sensitive spot. The muscles in my legs twitched uncontrollably as a high shot through my limbs.
I threw my head back as the orgasm hit me. Lei did not allow me to pull away from him, holding me tightly in one place and not even thinking about stopping the movement against my midsection. He only let me go when I had enjoyed the last second of my climax.
When he reappeared, he didn't look at me as usual with his triumphant eyes and his cocky grin. Instead, I found a dark shadow that matched the words he had addressed to me earlier. Blood and my tears.