Page 22 of Lake Shore Splendor
“Sure. To go.” He itched a spot on his jawline. Then he fished a ten-dollar bill from his wallet and slid it onto the counter. “I’m heading to Yellowstone today.”
“For the day?” Janie tried to ignore the splotch of red on his neck and turned away to pour his coffee when she couldn’t hold back her grin anymore.
“For the next five days. I’m working the backcountry near the Mammoth Hot Springs area.”
Janie set his coffee on the counter and secured the lid. “Five days? Where will you stay?”
“In my tent. I’ll be on the trails pretty much the whole time.”
“Oh.” Talk about a wanderer. She brushed that thought aside, and when it resurfaced, she edited it. Not a wanderer. An adventurer. Not the same thing.
Another empty lull throbbed by. Unsure what else to say, and why she felt compelled to hold a conversation with this man who simply had come in for some coffee to go, Janie rubbed her moist palms down her jeans and summoned hercustomer servicesmile. “Well, stay safe in the backcountry.”
He nodded. “Thanks.” Then he picked up his to-go cup. And stayed right there.
“Something else I can get you?”
Clearing his throat, Grady scratched that spot on his jaw again. “Well. Maybe.” He straightened his shoulders and dropped his hand to his side. “I mean, I had hoped that . . . What I mean to say is . . .” He cleared his throat again. “I’m sorry. I’m really bad at this.”
“Okay . . .” Janie furrowed her brow, wondering how she could help this poor man out of his misery.
“What I came in for was to ask if you’d go on a date with me when I get back.” Grady spat that out in a rush.
Her furrowed brow smoothed. Janie smiled full again. “A date?”
“Uh . . . yeah.”
“I’d like that.”
“You would?” He seemed genuinely shocked.
“I would.”
“Even if I have no idea where to take you on a date around here?”
“I like hiking.”
“You do?” His dark eyes sparkled with relief. “Me too.” And then he shut his eyes and shook his head. “Obviously.”
“There’s a good trail south of town. It follows Elk Creek toward the Madison River.”
“I’ve heard of it.”
“Then let’s do it,” Janie said.
“I’ll have to keep the café open until one, or the locals will have my head.” Janie winked. “But after that I can close up early.”
“Perfect.” Grady lifted his mug and started for the door. “Thank you for the coffee.”
He stopped, hand on the handle. “Yeah?”
“Your coffee was only a dollar.” Janie waved the ten that he’d left on the counter.
The smile he shot her way made her tummy flip. “I didn’t actually come in here for coffee, and ten dollars is a steal for what I got.” He lifted the to-go cup in salute. “See you in a few days.”