Page 12 of Guiding Blight
“Doesn’t seem like I have much of a choice,” I said with a laugh that sounded tinny to my ears.
“Ohhhhhh, my darling niece,” Uncle Joe said, floating down so we were face to face. It was far better to be eye-to-eye than eye-to-wrinkled nut sac. “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”
I smiled at the clothing impaired ghost. “Maya Angelou.”
“Correct!” he said with a giggle. “And… may your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”
“Nelson Mandela,” I said. “But what if it’s not my choice?”
Sean took my hand and placed a few sticky green gummies in it. “Choices are the hinges of destiny.”
I had to think for a moment on that one. There was no way I was ingesting pot right now, but I hated not knowing the author of the quote. “Pythagoras?” I asked.
“Bingo, sis,” he said with a grin. “And one more for the road. You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.”
I knew that one. “Michelle Obama.”
“Brilliant and beautiful,” Man-mom said, caressing my cheek.
As out of control as my life was careening, it felt strangely wonderful to be with my dad, mom, brother and uncle.
“I’ve got one,” Ophelia announced.
“Should I be scared?” I asked with a laugh.
“Terrified,” she assured me with a middle finger salute. “We all have three choices in this shitty life. Do it. Don’t do it. Or, do the fuck out of it.”
“I’m going out on a limb and taking a guess who said that,” I told her as she grinned like a fool. “That’s an original Ophelia.”
“Bingo, bitch,” she replied. “I’d highly suggest you do the fuck out of it.”
“Noted.” Before I had the chance to ask, Abaddon was by my side.
“Shall we go in and get down to business?” he asked.
If we were alone, I would have thought he meant something else. We were not alone.
“Yep. I suppose if I’m going to do the fuck out of it, I should figure out what doing the that entails.”
The double entendre wasn’t missed by the Demon who had my heart. His grin was as naughty as my thoughts.
Those thoughts would have to wait.
The Bitch Goddess Cecily was about to be born.
“There are no stupid questions,”Abaddon said softly as we followed the group into the house.
“What are you implying?” I asked with a raised brow.
He smiled, tucked my hair behind my ear and pinned me with an intense gaze. “It’s not a game to win, Cecily. It’s not a TV show. This is your life.”
“Whichisthe name of a TV show,” I pointed out.
He was confused. The Demon wasn’t up on pop culture or TV, for that matter. My joke fell flat. It was irrelevant. He was correct, and I was all ears. The enormity of the situation was beginning to sink in. It didn’t feel good. I’d wanted an Emmy, not an army of Demons at my disposal.
“It’s so lovely in here,” my mom said, glancing around. “You have a beautiful home, Cecily.”