Page 34 of Guiding Blight
“What does that even mean?” I asked. My heart still pounded like a jackhammer in my chest, but the need to burn the world down had lessened.
“Ophelia,” Abaddon called out. “Explain to Cecily what you saw.”
Ophelia’s voice was ragged and she sobbed through her words. “It was all the past. I saw Lilith in the field right after Cecily beheaded the flaming assholes. Then it morphed to the interior of the theatre in Vegas. Lilith was in disguise. Morphed again. Lilith was in a house filled with fucking scary art with a Hell theme. Then I saw her dead in Cecily’s arms.”
“Holy shit,” I choked out as I retracted my swords and crumpled into Abaddon. “Every vision she saw was a thought in my mind. How? How did I do that?”
The Demon, who I loved, held me tight and rested his chin on my head. “I have no fucking clue,” he admitted with a shaky laugh. “That’s a power I’ve not seen before.”
“It was like a freaking hologram,” Cher said as she marched back over now that it was relatively safe that I wasn’t going to incinerate my friends. She pulled wine coolers from her bag and handed them out. “You’ve got some powerful mojo, girlie.”
“Is this normal?” I asked. My voice was pitched about an octave too high. While I was cognizant that very little in my life was normal anymore, this new wrinkle might be a problem. If every stinking thought I had, became a three-dimensional image, I was screwed.
“Define normal,” Sushi said with a chuckle as she accepted the libation and downed it. “I knew a tealeaf reader back in the day…a few thousand years ago. He could do the same thing.”
“Did others see his every thought?” I asked, running my hands through my hair in frustration. Life had gone from barely manageable to a living nightmare. The thoughts I had about Abaddon alone made me want to go into hiding.
“No,” she replied. “He controlled it.”
She shrugged and put the empty bottle back in Cher’s purse. “I don’t know.”
“You talking about Atlas?” Cher questioned.
Sushi was surprised. “I am. Did you know him?”
“Banged him,” Cher said with a laugh. “Great guy. Big dick.”
“TMI,” I said flatly. “Do you have any idea how he controlled showing his every waking thought?”
My Angel agent grinned. “As a matter of fact, I do.”
I grabbed the woman and swung her around like a doll. She squealed and slapped at me.
Setting her back on her feet, I kissed her left cheek and then her right. Twice. “Tell me.”
“Easy as pie,” she assured me. “Atlas, God rest his big-peckered soul, used to just put a boulder in front of the door.”
I scrunched my nose and wanted to take back the kisses. “Literally. A boulder?”
She giggled. “Metaphorically. Think of your mind as a warehouse filled with a bunch of junk.”
“Fairly accurate,” I commented.
Abaddon laughed. It was a rare sound coming from him and made me feel lighter.
Cher continued. “When you want people to tour the warehouse, open the big metal doors. When you want to keep your thoughts private, slam that bastard shut.”
“Okay,” I said, thinking nothing the Immortals did was this easy. There had to be a catch. I was about to find out. “I’m going to close my eyes and think of something with the door… umm open.”
“Make sure it’s something absurd. Not easily guessed,” Sushi suggested.
“Good thinking,” I replied. I closed my eyes and went with the first and most horrifying thing that came to mind. If the object in my mind were projected, there would be screams.
I pretended to open the warehouse doors and let my mind wander back to earlier this evening.
“Shit,” I grumbled and I stood up. “This is getting ridiculous.”