Page 1 of Cry Wolf
Chapter One
Dania Black stared at theplus sign on the pregnancy test. Did her eyes deceive her? Could this really be happening after years of trying?
But there it was... a plus.
Pure joy rippled through her.
She put the cap back on the strip and dropped it into a small plastic bag, then washed her hands and tucked the strip into her leather purse. She couldn’t wait to tell Matthew the good news. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror.
Did she have a pregnancy glow? Her tan complexion appeared the same, and her long ebony hair tied at the nape of her neck in a ponytail hadn’t changed. But she saw a difference in the new light in her brown eyes and in the upturn of her lips because she couldn’t stop smiling.
She pulled out her cell and dialed Matthew’s number. It rang and rang, then went to voice mail. That was okay because she wanted to see his handsome face when she told him.
A knock came at the hospital’s Employees Only restroom door. “Come on. Let’s get out of here,” her friend Cynthia Bybee called to her.
“I’m coming.” Dania dropped her cell into her purse and slung the strap over her shoulder before opening the door and hurrying past her friend.
“Whoa! What fire got under you all of a sudden?” Bags underscored Cynthia’s copper-colored eyes. Her freckled face appeared drawn as she hurried to keep up.
Tempted to tell her the good news, Dania paused. Matthew should be the first person she told. But Cynthia was her best friend. They shared everything. Well,almosteverything. And Dania had tried to call Matthew to tell him first. She couldn’t help it if he hadn’t answered. What if Cynthia guessed? That would work.
Dania spun around. “I just got the best news ever.”
“In the bathroom?” Her friend yawned into her hand. The graveyard shift at Bear Claw Hospital always took its toll.
“Yes. In the bathroom.”
“What is it?” Cynthia’s I’m-too-tired-to-deal-with-this expression creased lines at the corners of her eyes.
“I can’t tell you, but I can’t keep you from guessing either.” Dania started walking.
“Ah, come on. It was a long night.” Cynthia trailed after her as they left the building.
A chill filled the early-morning Montana air. Other night-shift nurses were leaving as well, heading to their cars, anxious to get home.
Cynthia stopped. Rays of sunlight danced over her freckled face. Strands of red hair had escaped the bun on top of her head. “Okay, I know.” She squinted, zeroing in on Dania as Sherlock Holmes would have. “The new roughage cereal you’re eating works.”
“No.” Dania chuckled. “Good try though.”
“Seriously, come on,” her friend pleaded. “I’m too tired for twenty questions. Give me a hint.”
“It’s something Matthew and I have wanted for a very long time.” They’d put off starting their family until he’d become established as an attorney, but that had happened a couple of years ago. As each month since had crept by and the hoped-for happy news had never arrived, they’d both stopped talking about babies and become focused on their careers.
Last night when she’d gone in to tell Matthew goodbye, she’d paused at his home office door, noticing worry lines above his brows and at the sides of his downturned mouth. She’d tapped on the door, and his eyes had met hers, a smile stealing over his lips. She’d asked him what was wrong, but he’d downplayed whatever it was. He’d come around his desk and kissed her. It hadn’t been a short goodbye peck but a stay-with-me kind of kiss. Her fingers went to her lips now, and all she wanted to do was get home to repeat the moment.
“Hmm.” Cynthia eyed her over. “You both need a day off. You guys work too hard. Speaking of which, if I have to put up with Dr. Snicklepuss on one more shift, I might up and quit. And I bet being the only RN on the night shift would rub that silly smile off your face. That man had me running from the time I started to when we clocked out. I just hope Buzz and the kids are still asleep when I sneak in so I can get some shut-eye.”
“I’m sorry.” Dania was on Cynthia’s side. Cynthia worked hard and had every right to complain about Doctor Scott. She had nicknamed him Snicklepuss because he seemed to have a permanent scowl. Though Dania empathized with her friend, she couldn’t hold back her joyful grin. “Guess again.”
“You say you’re sorry, but you don’t look it.” Cynthia shaded her eyes with her hand as she stared at Dania. All at once, her face lit up. “Oh my word, girlfriend! Don’t tell me you’re finally expecting?”
Dania bobbed her head.
“That’s fantastic!” She hugged Dania. “What did Matthew say?”
“He didn’t answer his phone.” She looped her arm with her friend’s, and they started walking again. “He’s probably still on his morning jog.”
They reached their vehicles, and Cynthia opened the door of her beat-up Honda Civic. “Well, I’m thrilled for you. Now skedaddle on home and tell that good-looking hubby of yours that he’s going to be a daddy. You’ll have to tell me all about his reaction tonight when we return here for more punishment.”