Page 23 of Cry Wolf
“Vanessa said she and Sherry, Matthew’s secretary, went through all Matthew’s files and found nothing missing. However, they couldn’t find his handwritten planner.”
“He still used a day planner?” Even in high school, Matt had kept one. Brett could see his friend taking notes in class, scheduling time to do his homework. He was such a nerd, but that was why Brett liked him. They balanced each other.
“Yes. He wanted a hard copy just in case.”
“In case of what?”
“In case something happened to the digital calendar on his phone. He had trouble with the battery not keeping a charge and stuff like that. Truth is, I think he liked putting pen to paper.” She seemed caught up in memory.
She was right. Matt did like to write stuff down. “Plus, cell phones can be hacked. He was probably just being cautious.”
“I never thought of that, but maybe.”
Brett may have stumbled onto something. “Do you have any idea where his planner could have gone?” He’d read the file on Matt’s case, and it listed items confiscated from her home. He could swear Matt’s planner had not been listed.
“Sort of.” She seemed hesitant.
“What do you mean?”
They’d come to a four-way stop. The road sign said Bear Claw was fifty miles south. She turned north, heading toward another mountain range. “The only people going into my house while I was there were the paramedics and Sheriff Kennard and his deputy. But I’m pretty certain my father-in-law turned up later.”
“I remember reading what they’d downloaded from Matt’s cell phone, but something could have been overlooked. The sheriff only had it for a little while. Walter probably has it now.” Brett wanted to look at it again. He might find something useful.
“Probably, or the police do.” She pulled off the main highway onto a dirt road leading into the forest. She drove a little way before stopping the car by a grove of quaking aspens.
“Okay, then, I’ll visit Walter and ask him about it, but in the meantime”—he had to get to the hard part—“I have to take you in.” He realized he was in no position to make such a demand, but he had to press the matter and make her see reason.
Dania ignored him and got out of the car. She crossed in front of the headlights, coming around the vehicle to the right rear passenger side, and opened the door. She took the small key on his key chain and unlocked the cuffs. He lowered his hand. Numbness left, and his skin prickled as blood rushed to his limb.
“I’m glad you’re being reasonable about this.” He rubbed his palm, grateful she was doing the right thing.
Dania took the cuffs, stepped back, and aimed the Glock at him. “Get out.”
“Wait a minute.” He fastened the leash to Jasper’s collar and crawled from the car. The dog followed him, wagging his tail as if they were having a new adventure. “I thought you were giving yourself up.”
“Why would you think that?” She motioned for him to walk toward a tall aspen the headlights shone on.
He stood his ground. Her bossing him was over. “Because I’m going to help you.”
“Is that how you catch all the criminals you take in? You talk them into giving themselves up? Because I have to say I can’t see it.” She tilted her head, and moonlight paired with the headlights of his Pathfinder to illuminate the bump on her forehead.
What other scars and bruises had she endured over the last three years? He’d heard how horrendous prison life could be. Somehow, she’d survived.
But all that was nothing compared to the wrath that could come down on her for the death of a U.S. Marshal and wounding Olivia. Dead serious, he said, “Of course you can’t see it. You really want to know how I catch criminals?”
She nodded.
“I would have pulled on anyone else who pointed a gun at me.” He stared at her, wanting her to know the gravity of their situation.
“And I’m supposed to be grateful?” She motioned again for him to move.
“Yes, you are.” He didn’t budge. “I don’t want to hurt you, Dania. Matt would want me to help you, which is what I plan to do, but you have to surrender to me. I can’t be chasing you and finding the real culprit at the same time. That’s not how this is going to work. Aside from that, you fled the scene where an officer was killed and another seriously wounded. Every law enforcement agency in Montana is looking for you, and they’re mad. They won’t talk to you; they’ll shoot. To them, they have the answers they need. When they look at you, all they see is an escaped convict who killed her husband, and now an officer of the law is dead. You’re not safe on your own.”
“I had nothing to do with that marshal getting killed.” She lowered the weapon a little. “And I tried to help Olivia.”
“I know that, but you were there when the crime was committed. You will be held responsible, as if you pulled the trigger. Give yourself up now, and I’ll vouch for you. So will Olivia.” He stopped short of saying, “If she survives.” He didn’t want to think the worst could happen. He stepped toward Dania.
She backed up. “I trusted the law to do its job before. I’m not making the same mistake twice. Don’t you see? Walter has had control over all this. He never wanted me to marry Matthew. And then... he took my son away from me. He’ll stop you at every turn. I went to prison because that’s what he wanted. I have to find the killer or die trying ’cause I’m not going back to prison. I’m not!”