Page 34 of Cry Wolf
“Where am I going to hide you?” Once again, the repercussions of his decision rained down on him. He prayed he was doing the right thing.
Chapter Fourteen
Dania got in on thepassenger side of Brett’s SUV while he held the door for Jasper to jump into the back. She regretted blurting out that Brett’s father had killed her mother, but in the long run, it had helped them both come to an understanding. She hadn’t expected him to share such a tender and personal story. Her heart went out to him and what he’d lived through as a kid.
She thought of her own son. She had to clear her name. The rest of her life and Jacob’s hung in the balance. She’d explain herself to her son once the murderer was found.
Brett slid behind the wheel and slammed his door shut, then grabbed his phone from the holder and clicked it on. “Nine missed calls. Crud!” He tapped on the cell and softly said, “I need to see how Olivia is doing.”
“Good. I’ve been worried about her too.”
Brett put his hand up, a signal for her to stop talking. “Gabe. I’m sorry I missed your calls. I was tied up with something.” He glared at Dania, then asked, “How’s Olivia?”
Dania tried to read his face but couldn’t see much in the dark.
“Uh-huh.” He nodded as he intently listened.
She wished she could hear Gabe.
“At least she’s stable for now.” Brett exhaled.
Even in the shadows, she saw a smile claim his face. That was good news. The longer the deputy hung on, the better her chances.
“That’s great,” Brett continued. “Where did Coop and Char pick her up?” He paused a moment. “Did Bertha say anything about Dania and where she might be heading?” He shook his head.
Dania was sorry about the position she’d been forced to put him in, but at the same time, she was extremely grateful. Brett could easily tell his boss that he had her in custody, but he didn’t. He was keeping his word while at the same time breaking the trust of those he served with. It made her sick to her stomach. But actually, in the long run, he was doing his job in seeking justice. That had to count for something.
“I found nothing at Bear Tooth Pass Market. Staked it out most of the night. Then I tried following a trail I thought she might have taken, which is why I couldn’t call. No cell service. It didn’t pan out. I think someone probably gave her a lift. The search is already over forty-eight hours. With no other leads, our best bet of catching her will be to watch the AG’s house. She’s bound to show up there. She’ll want to see her kid. Did you talk to Tyler yet?”
Brett glanced at Dania and gave a nod. “Can’t blame him for that. I’ll head over to Tyler’s this morning and meet you in the office around noon. He might be a little more forgiving of us if I talk to him. He always kind of liked me. Give my best to Olivia when she wakes up.” He clicked off his phone and started the car.
“Thanks, Brett.” Dania didn’t know what else to say.
He clenched his jaw and looked in the back seat. “Where’s my hat?”
She’d totally forgotten about it. “I left it in the Quick Mart Gas and Grub.”
“It just keeps getting better and better.” He huffed, shifted his Pathfinder into gear, and swung the car around. Driving down the dirt road, he finally said, “You’re just lucky Jasper came back.”
The retriever stuck his snout between the seats as if he’d heard his name and wanted to be part of the conversation.
Dania gave the animal a pat. “I’m so sorry, Jasper, but you’re a great guard dog and did a fine job watching over the marshal here.” She hoped that would bring a smile to Brett’s sour face.
He pulled to a stop at the main highway. Checking both ways, he said, “I don’t need both of you ganging up on me.” He looked at Dania. “I’m still trying to figure out what I’m going to do with you.” He grew quiet, then said, “Gran’s house is vacant. I can’t quite get myself to sell it. You could stay there. If the neighbors ask, I could say you’re a house sitter.” He looked at what she wore. “Gran’s clothes are still there. Haven’t donated them to charity yet. I’m sure you can find something of hers to wear.”
“Your grandmother’s clothes?” The words slipped out before she could stop them.
“Her stuff is better than what you have on.” He frowned. “Toward the end, she mainly wore jogging suits, but before that, she was a pretty stylish dresser. She even bought designer jeans.”
“Forgive me. I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful.” She really didn’t care what she wore. It just seemed strange to think she’d have on clothes his grandmother used to wear. But she’d put on a gunny sack if she had to, especially if it meant she could find the culprit who had taken Matthew’s life. Wanting to change the subject, she said, “From what I gathered from your conversation with your boss, you’re planning to see Walter this morning?”
She looked at the clock on his dashboard: 5:00 a.m. No wonder she was tired. This night had gone on forever, and she’d been awake every minute of it.
“Yeah. I’ll take you to Gran’s and get some shut-eye for a couple of hours, then I’ll head over.” He glanced at her. “You need to get some rest too.”
He grew quiet after that, and the miles flipped by.