Page 53 of Cry Wolf
“Well...” Vanessa looked at Brett, then back to Dania. “I guess a few days won’t matter. But after that...”
Dania gave her a hug and led her to the dining room table. “Brett was able to get the evidence from Sheriff Kennard regarding the investigation into Matthew’s death.”
Brett couldn’t comprehend why Dania was telling Vanessa what they were doing. He liked to keep information close to his chest until he found answers. He felt as if he were in a cartoon where an anvil plummeted toward him and he could do nothing to stop it.
Vanessa glanced into the box, then at Brett. “There is confidential information in here about my clients. You have no right.” Her face flushed.
Brett had to get control of the situation. “Don’t worry. The cell and laptop won’t turn on. They need to be charged. But with Dania escaping, I have every right to look through whatever evidence the police have that could help with the search.”
“But she’s right here.” Vanessa pointed at her.
“True, but you want to help her find the real criminal, don’t you?”
Dania’s fearful eyes pleaded with Vanessa again.
Vanessa looked at them both, then let out a long sigh. “Of course I do.”
“Great!” Dania reached into the box and pulled out the file she’d been working on. She flipped to a page and pointed to a line. “Who is this Skinner guy? He was in Matthew’s planner too.”
“You found Matthew’s planner?” Vanessa blinked several times, staring at it.
“Walter had it.” Dania pushed the planner in front of the woman. “Brett asked him if he could look at it, so Walter let him take it. I told Leonard about the planner before we went to trial. He tried to locate it and couldn’t.”
“This might help Leonard with your appeal.” Vanessa appeared genuinely happy with their discovery. “I wonder if Leonard asked Walter about it and Walter lied.”
“That’s quite a bold statement to make about the attorney general.” Brett didn’t care for what she’d said. After all, the man had readily let Brett take it.
“I was just thinking out loud,” Vanessa countered.
“It doesn’t matter,” Dania piped up. “We have the planner now.” She turned the pages and pointed to an entry. “Here is Skinner again. What do you know about him? Did he have a grudge against Matthew?”
Vanessa squinted as she read the name and date. “That’s Merle Skinner. At that time, his ranch was in the middle of fighting off a hostile takeover. He’d fallen behind on his taxes. Blue Skies Investment wanted to build a resort, golf course, condos, and summer homes for the wealthy in the middle of his property and was pushing the government to put Skinner’s land into a tax deed so they could pay the taxes and acquire it. Skinner thought all was lost and blamed Matthew when he received notice that this was about to happen. Matthew was fighting to save Skinner’s ranch, but then Matthew died.”
Dania’s eyes widened. “Matthew told me about working on that case. He didn’t tell me who it was, but he was very worried.” She shot a hopeful we-might-have-something look at Brett.
“Who owns Blue Skies Investment?” Brett wanted a name; someone he could check into.
“Matthew was having trouble finding that out himself.” Vanessa squinted as if trying to remember more. “He did an extensive search on the internet about the company, but their website doesn’t actually list individual names. Blue Skies is owned by another conglomerate.”
“Do you have Skinner’s file?” Dania asked.
“Probably. I’ll have Sherry look first thing tomorrow.”
“Do you know where I can find Mr. Skinner?” Brett pulled out his cell phone, ready to note an address or phone number.
“He moved in with his daughter and her husband. I’ll have Sherry give you a call with it in the morning. She can tell you about the file then too.” Vanessa looked at Brett, then Dania. “Who knows, we may be onto something.”
“Can’t you call her now instead of waiting until morning?” Dania seemed hopeful.
“She’s gone home for the day. She’d need to go back to the office.” Vanessa glanced at her watch. “And unfortunately, I’m late for a dinner date with another client that I can’t get out of.” She opened her briefcase and was about to place the planner inside.
Brett took it from her. “Sorry, but Walter gave this to me. He’s trusting me to get it back to him, which is exactly what I intend to do.”
“Don’t worry, marshal.” A smile jotted across Vanessa’s lips. “I’ll take good care of it. I’d really like to look it over to see if I can remember more to help us.”
“Brett, I already looked through it.” Dania again acted the part of the peacemaker. “The other entry that made me wonder was when Matthew met with Val, an old boyfriend of mine, the night before he was murdered. Do you know anything about that?”
“Oh yes, do I ever.” Vanessa nodded avidly. “Wheeler Land Management has tried for years to get my firm to represent them.”