Page 67 of Cry Wolf
“String and a large bucket,” Dania reminded him. She had given him quite a list.
“Thanks,” he said over his shoulder as he headed out the door.
Dania shook the bag and had Hayley raise her hips while she slid the plastic beneath her. Another contraction came. As soon as it finished, Dania pulled back the blanket to check. The baby’s head was crowning. “It won’t be long now.” She covered her.
Brett returned in record time with the towels on one arm and a bucket in his other hand, which held a ball of string, a bar of soap, and a tissue box.
Dania took the towels from him, setting them on the end of the bed. She put the bucket on the floor and retrieved what was inside. “That didn’t take very long to get all this.”
“The bucket was next to the leaf bags, and so was the string. The rest was in the bathroom.” He seemed pleased with himself.
“What about the boiling water?”
“I put a pot on the stove while I was finding all this stuff. It might be ready now.”
“Wait!” Dania called to him.
He paused at the door.
“Pour the water into a large bowl. The pot will be too hot. And please bring a washcloth too.”
He saluted her and left.
Hayley’s forehead beaded with perspiration.
“Remember, don’t push just yet. Okay?”
“I gotta push.” Sweat matted her bangs together.
Dania moved the covers. The baby was coming. She pulled the gloves back on, grabbed the antiseptic wash, and doused the gloves over the bucket as a second precaution. “Bend both your knees.”
Hayley did, and Dania maneuvered to a better position to catch the baby. “Okay, with your next contraction, push.”
Hayley’s face turned crimson as she grabbed her legs.
The head came completely out. Dania checked to see if the umbilical cord was around the infant’s neck. One loop. With her finger, she eased it over the baby’s head. “Okay, now for the shoulders. With the next contraction, push.”
Right away, Hayley started pushing.
Brett walked into the room, and as soon as he saw what was happening, he rushed over with the bowl of water. “What can I do?” He set it on the dresser.
Dania placed her hands on the baby’s head and guided the little body until it was delivered.
“It’s a boy,” Brett announced to Hayley, his eyes wide with wonder.
“Grab me a towel, please.” Dania nodded at the foot of the bed, where she’d set them.
Brett quickly retrieved one, handing it to her. She wrapped the infant and held him in her arm. “Could you dip the washcloth in the water and wring it out? I want to wipe the blood and amniotic fluid off the infant’s face.”
He quickly did as she asked. “It’s a bit warm.”
She didn’t like the baby’s bluish skin and hoped wiping the cloth over him would help the child take a breath. It didn’t. Dania ran her finger over the infant’s nose to clear any remaining fluid and blew on his face, hoping to stimulate breathing.
“Why isn’t my baby crying?” Hayley craned her head to see.
Brett took her hand, drawing her attention. “Dania’s working on him. Don’t worry.”
The child remained nonresponsive.