Page 89 of Cry Wolf
Gabe went to Vanessa and pulled her to a standing position. “Got a call from the attorney general. He told me quite the story about your visit to Wheelers’ office. But he believed every word you said.”
“Still, how did you know to come here?” Dania winced.
BB started to examine Dania’s wound. “Paramedics are on the way.” Then, as though it were just another day in the office, she said, “Good job delivering Hayley’s baby.”
“Thanks,” Dania muttered as she grimaced at BB touching her arm. “I’ll be okay until the EMTs arrive.”
“To answer your question of how we knew to come here, Gabe called the sheriff to help us look for you, and he told us that the deputy he stationed at your house wasn’t answering. That’s what sent us here.” BB nodded at the patrol car. “The sheriff’s deputy is dead. The killer must have taken care of him before going inside.” She guided Dania and Brett from the house.
Gabe followed them with Vanessa in tow. “I’ll call Sheriff Kennard. We can wait until he arrives to take over the scene.” He looked at Brett. “You’ve got some explaining to do.”
“Yeah. I know.” Brett would be more than happy to walk his boss through what had been going on the last few days. And if it meant he’d get suspended or even fired, he was all right with that.
He and Dania had come out of this alive. With the evidence they had, there was no way she’d go back to prison. And Matt could finally rest in peace.
Chapter Thirty-Five
Four weeks later...
Dania and Brett sat inhis Pathfinder outside of Walter Tyler’s house. They’d been invited to have dinner, which would make Dania’s introduction to her son more seamless. “I can’t believe this is happening.” She looked at the man who had been her rock through the last few weeks.
Brett took hold of her hand. “But it is. Are you sure you want me to go with you?”
“Only if you want to.” He’d already done so much. But she wanted him there because he knew Walter well and could help with the awkwardness between her and her in-laws.
The Tylers had agreed to take things slow with having Dania back in her son’s life. She didn’t want to upset Jacob. He was used to Walter and Carol and looked to them as his parents. To have Dania suddenly coming around might confuse him. Of course she wanted to raise her son and tell him all about his wonderful father, but she also wanted what was best for Jacob. Besides, she had to get her feet under her, find a job, and make a stable home for her son to visit.
“You bet I do.” He squeezed her fingers. “I don’t think it will be as bad as you believe it might be. All the hostility Walter felt toward you disappeared when he found out how Vanessa framed you for Matt’s murder. I’m sure he feels a fool. He had been blinded by grief and wanted to get back at you. But now... now he’s full of remorse. He’s a changed man.”
Dania had a hard time accepting that such a shift had taken place in Walter, but she wanted to give her father-in-law a chance. He had been instrumental in gaining her release from prison and was now paving the way to let her see Jacob.
She glanced at Brett. She owed Brett so very much. He’d remained right by her side through everything: the inquiry into Matthew’s death; Vanessa’s arraignment on charges of first-degree murder, plus a dozen other charges dealing with her shady business practices and her criminal company, Blue Skies; and the clearing of Dania’s name in regard to her escape and who had actually killed Ted and shot Olivia.
Dania had even met with the farmer whose truck she’d stolen. She’d apologized and tried to give him money, but he’d refused it. He said that after all she’d been through, being wrongly convicted and all, he was glad she’d taken the truck.
When she had finally been set free, Brett had insisted that Dania stay at his grandmother’s house. She couldn’t bring herself to live in her and Matthew’s home. Too many bad things had happened there that overshadowed the good. And even though she’d loved Matthew so much, she needed to get past her old life that she could never have again.
More than anything, she wanted to move forward. She glanced at Brett. “I have something for you.” She unfastened her seat belt, reached in the back seat, and grabbed the huge present she’d placed there when he’d picked her up. She handed it to him.
“I thought this was for Jacob.” He awkwardly took the gift.
“It’s for you. Open it.” She anxiously waited.
He took off the bow and tore through the wrapping paper. His eyes widened at seeing the wordStetsonon the box. He pushed up the lid and pulled out a new hat. He checked the tag on the inside. “How did you know what size I wear?”
“Remember how I stole your hat and left it at that gas station? I learned your hat size on the run.”
He tossed the box in the back seat, then put on the hat. “Fits perfectly. You really shouldn’t have, but thanks.”
“I’m glad you like it.” Now the hard part. She wanted to know exactly what their relationship was. “Before we go in, I need to know where we are.”
“What?” His brows bunched together.
She cleared her throat. “In our relationship.”
“You meanus?” A warmth lit his eyes. “How I feel about you?”
“Yes.” She straightened in her seat. Her heart drilled against her ribs. Even her hands were shaking. “That day after you told me about Logan, you said you believed your life was destined to be like his. And when I asked you why you didn’t think you’d marry, you told me you were waiting for someone like me.” Those weren’t his exact words, but they got the point across.