Page 11 of Burn
The four of us march in. Jack first, then Adam, and finally Tanya and me. The thick, humid smell of sweat mixed with rubber tires hits my nostrils, and I flatten my back against the far wall, behind Adam. I can see the tiny beads of sweat dotting people’s foreheads and upper lips. Shirts sticking to his skin. The room is small and stuffy and I can’t breathe. I want to run but I promised Papa that I’d do this for him.
A few of the guys in the garage, longtime employees of my father’s, wave and smile in my direction. A chorus of murmurs ripple through the crowd, things likeWhy’s the boss’s daughter hereandWhere’s Onassison nearly everyone’s lips. Conversation sizzles like grease in a pan, spitting and popping on the barbecue. I can’t help but think of Papa. This is where he got his start, way before I was born. This is where he found the success and family that he cherished.
That makes what I’m about to do a little easier. This is a friendly group of people, all of whom care deeply for my father.
I peek around Adrian’s shoulder, looking for one man in particular: Max.
The last time I saw him was four months ago at a party at the team’s headquarters in New York before the season started. I’d made an appearance for Papa, said a polite hello to Max—who was chatting up one of the grid girls who holds the umbrella over drivers before the race—and promptly left. It was during a time when I was going through a particularly rough patch at my job, when the executives refused to take me seriously about the climate of harassment. I hadn’t wanted to torture myself by watching Max flirt his way around the party.
Jack stands at the front of the room, holding his arms out and pushing the air toward the sides of the empty garage. “Make a circle, everyone, make a circle. That’s it. Like we’re in grade school. Spread out so we can see everyone. We’ve got a team announcement. Lily Onassis, Adrian’s daughter, is here. Lily?”
He sweeps his arm wide, as if welcoming me into their space.
I step around Adam, nervous as all hell. My heart pounds with the same intensity as a revving engine on the starting grid. I scan one side of the makeshift circle, but don’t spot Max’s familiar face.
“Hi, everyone. I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but my father wanted you to hear it from me. He collapsed during the race and had to be taken to hospital. He had a heart attack, and he’s fine, but he’s in surgery now.”
Gasps and murmurs fill the room, giving me the time to survey the other side of the circle. My gaze locks on Max’s assistant, Lucas, which means my ex isn’t far, since they’re virtually inseparable.
There. There’s Max.
Standing with his back against the wall, arms folded, coolly appraising me as if he’s going to critique my performance. Max Becker, golden boy with the faded tawny hair. He’s aged a little since I first met him seven years ago, but he’s no less gorgeous. An angel and a demon all in one body, the press used to say, and I couldn’t agree more.
We lock eyes for a second, and it’s as if the noise, the odor, and the heat evaporate. Our entire eight-month relationship comes rushing into my mind—all the late-night conversations about our hopes and dreams, the laughter, the fierce, desperate kisses.
I shake my head and hold up a hand, tearing my eyes from Max’s beautiful face.
“Please don’t worry. My father doesn’t want you to be concerned. We’re getting him the best care and he’ll be back on his feet in no time. He also wanted me to tell you something else.” I pause to lick my lips, knowing this will be the bigger shock for the team. “He asked me, well, made me promise, you know how Adrian is—” I pause to allow the guys some much-needed laughter.
“He wants me to take over for him during the next few races.”
A hush descends into the room. My gaze goes to Max, like he’s a magnet for my eyes. But instead of him returning my attention, he stares at the floor. Lucas leans into him and whispers something in his ear, and Max moves his head up and down.
He stares right at me. His expression is cold.
What had Lucas said? I’d always liked him, probably because he was the only person who knew of our relationship and approved all those years ago. But perhaps he’s changed his mind about me in the ensuing years. Which is fine. I don’t care if he hates me, but now that I’m in charge, we’ll be forced to work together so Max can win.
A pang of anger and hurt shoot through me. He really despises me that much. I turn toward Jack, who by now is clapping. The others join in. Even Max, after a second.
Jack rests his hand on my shoulder and I tense up, worried that a very public hug is on the horizon. “Lily and I and the rest of the executive team will get all the details ironed out over the next few days. For the rest of you, carry on as usual. We’ve got a race in Austin next Sunday, and that needs to be our priority. We’re going to win for Adrian.”
“That’s right, stay the course. Prepare for the race, and send prayers to Papa. Thank you all,” I call out. “I’ll be sure to give him your regards when I see him tomorrow.”
Jack and I step back and the men in the room—it’s almost all men, like almost every Formula World team—break apart from the circle and talk in small groups. Some shuffle outside, probably to discuss the team’s future now that I’m in charge. This, I can handle.
Max’s obvious disappointment? It’s a little tougher to swallow.
“That went as well as could be expected,” I say to Jack.
“Absolutely.” Jack’s normally cheery voice is a little flat, or perhaps I’m imagining it. “Ah, I believe someone wants to chat with you.”
He points over my shoulder. Please don’t be someone wanting to give me a hug. With a pasted-on smile, I turn.
My breath hitches. Max is standing there with a grim expression on his face. Oh crap.
Chapter Five