Page 37 of Burn
“It’s no trouble at all. I have a big room. Surely we can find a space for you for tonight.”
Tanya’s face lights up like a Christmas tree. The idea of Max and me staying together in a hotel room is either titillating or thrilling to her, I can’t tell which.
I swallow hard. “I don’t know—”
“That’s the best and easiest solution, because I don’t have time to deal with such a minor problem,” Tanya says, standing up. “Obviously, we’ll keep this between us, because if it gets out then the press will have a field day. But thankfully the penthouse suites are on the top floor and accessible only to a few people, and they have their own secure entrance with a code. We’ll get you a key to Max’s room and you can bunk there. And that way, when we move you over to a suite tomorrow, it’s less hassle because it’s right next door.”
Before I can protest, Tanya’s walking out, directing Max to follow her so he can sign photos of himself for fans.
Max gives a little wave good-bye and when the door closes, I ease back into my seat. Things are going well, and now, I’m about to spend the night under the same roof with the man I’ve loved for years.
Well. This escalated quickly.
Chapter Fifteen
After a quick shower in the women’s locker at the track—I’m not picky about stuff like that—I blow-dry my hair, toss on a white blouse and tight jeans, then turn to the box Tanya left for me.
When I lift the top and find a pair of scarlet cowboy boots inside, I crack up. And continue to chuckle as I pull them on. They’re not me, but they’re not terrible either. They are a perfect fit the moment I slip them on my feet. I take a few hesitant steps around the room, getting used to the stiff, rough leather so tight I can feel the pressure of my toes poking against the end of the soles.
In the mirror, I examine the combination of red boots, blue jeans, and white blouse. Unfamiliar, but not terrible. I twist and look over my shoulder, liking the way my butt looks in the jeans and how the boots make my legs look longer.
For an instant, I feel sassy, confident, even. I can do this. Go to a party, sleep in Max’s room, help this team through this rough patch. This is nothing compared to what I experienced in tech. Actually, the boots are kick-ass, actually, and maybe I’ll put them in permanent wardrobe rotation.
I strut to the SUV, where Tanya’s waiting in the back. She’s dressed in a similar outfit, only her shirt is plaid and her boots are black.
“Hey, cowgirl,” I say as I slide in.
We discuss boots and Texas for a few minutes as we drive in heavy traffic to the downtown area, where the restaurant, and our hotel, is located.
“Let’s get a little work done, we have quite a while before we get to the restaurant with this traffic.”
“Sounds perfect to me.” Tanya’s sharp, and I appreciate her no-nonsense attitude, plus it’s a distraction from the nervous anticipation buzzing in me from the knowledge I’ll be seeing Max later. I lean forward to get my laptop out of my bag and set it on my thighs.
“Let’s start with the press inquiries about your previous job.” She scrolls through her phone.
My gaze darts to the window for a beat, then back to her. “I’m ready.”
“One reporter asked if you’d like to discuss the circumstances of your fi—, er, dismissal. I told him no.”
“Correct. That’s off limits.”
“Others wanted to know if you’d like to make a statement about women working in a traditionally male field, like tech or racing.”
I shrug. “It might not be a bad idea. What do you think?”
“I need more details on your previous situation.”
All the earlier badass feelings evaporate. “It wasn’t one thing, one event. It was years of being a woman in the tech world, and multiple instances of sexual harassment. Everything from investors trying to get me drunk, to trying to kiss me in the office, and once, I was going over expansion plans and staff growth with an investor and he whipped out his erect, well, you know.”
Tanya grimaces. “Eww. I once worked for a team owner like that. He was a Silicon Valley guy.”
I can guess who she’s talking about, but don’t mention his name aloud. “I’m sorry,” I say softly.
She lifts a shoulder. “Sometimes it comes with the territory.”
“That doesn’t mean it’s right. That doesn’t mean we should endure it.” All of my old anger’s back now, churning my gut. “At the game developer, I had issues with one guy in particular. He’d say the filthiest things to me at every chance. Once sent me a porn video. Then told me I’d be a good lay while we were at a conference. I was fed up and took a photo of him during the conference and tweeted about what he’d said. Definitely not my best moment, but I was fed up. That’s why I’m quite sensitive to how I’m perceived around Max. I don’t want to seem like I’m doing anything inappropriate.”