Page 50 of Burn
I turn to look at Max, who twists to stare at me. My tongue runs over my top teeth to stall while thinking of an answer. “Max has always possessed raw talent. But he’s honed his excellent driving skills into championship form.”
“And personally? How is your relationship personally compared to when you first met him?” the reporter probes.
I freeze. Is this journalist insinuating what I think she is? I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Finally, as the silence hangs heavy in the air, practically crushing me with its weight, I say, “I’m not sure I understand the question.”
“How is it being his boss when you used to sleep together?” the woman asks. “Especially since you were a crusader for sexual harassment reform in the workplace in your last job. Do you feel a bit hypocritical?”
I look around wildly, searching for Tanya. There’s no way I’m answering that. It’s a good question, however one I haven’t entirely thought through.
“Well, Ms. Onassis, if you won’t answer, then what are your thoughts, Max?” the reporters asks.
“My private life is just that. Private.” Max’s blue eyes have turned to a glacier-like hue, indicating that he’s pissed.
Tanya rushes to the front of the room, as if blocking the reporters from us. She holds out her arms, then claps her hands. “That’s all the time we have, folks.”
We all file out to the sound of reporters shouting more questions but none of us say a word. Esteban peels off to sign autographs, and I expect Max to as well. I put my head down and walk quickly away, feeling shame deep in my core.
“Wait, Lily.”
I turn to see Max calling my name and coming toward me. We stop in the middle of the walkway and stare at each other, but when people walk by and give us a glance, we step out of the way. We’re sandwiched between the press center and a makeshift café that’s open to all the teams.
“I’m sorry. I got so pissed at that question that I couldn’t help but step in. I probably should’ve minded my own business but—” He blows out a breath and brushes his hair back with his hand.
“Don’t apologize. This is the way it is for me right now. You know, the only way out is through, and all that.”
“Yeah. Uh, about tonight.”
“I have a sponsor dinner. You?” I didn’t see his name on the list I’d been given.
“I’m with other sponsors at a cattle ranch.”
“A cattle ranch?” A giggle slips from my mouth and I clap my hand over my lips, trying to imagine Max and his sexy European self around a bunch of Texas cowboys.
He grins, a dazzling smile that makes me swoon a little. His eyes practically glitter in the late-day sun.
“Nine p.m., your room?” he says in a low tone. Thank god no one’s nearby. “Is that okay?
I break out into a fresh sweat. “Sure. Nine p.m.”
We say our good-byes and walk in different directions. Him to sign autographs, and me, well, I’ll call Papa and find out how he’s doing then head to the office to run this team. All while wondering where and how this is all going to end with me and Max. He’s sleeping in my bed because he wants to win. I need to keep telling myself this.
Chapter Twenty-One
That night, in my hotel suite after our respective parties, Max and I climb into bed.
“This feels like one of your routines,” I remark.
He smooths the pillowcase and lies on his side. “What do you mean?”
I lie down, facing him. “You’re treating this like another one of your race week routines. You know, work out, do fifty sit-ups, get a massage, eat a perfect two thousand calorie breakfast . . .” I almost say “Sleep next to a woman you used to have sex with,” but don’t.
“I wish it was a routine.”
His simple declaration disarms my jumbled thoughts. “What do you mean by that?”
Our faces are inches apart, and if this was seven years ago I’d snuggle into his body and plant a kiss on his face.