Page 31 of Killer (Project)
The light behindmy eyes was dark. I forced oxygen in and out of my lungs. I couldn’t escape the darkness that was threatening to take me. Her scream, the fear in her eyes showed me just how dark I needed to be just to save her. I was losing the grasp of who I truly was and transforming into a monster.
“Just calm down, Killer. Breathe, deep breaths,” the small man before me said. He was wearing a lab coat. He was no better than the others were. My fists clenched, tension building in my muscles. I needed to unleash the beast. I needed blood on my hands. I wanted to laugh in this man’s face. Who did he think he was?
“Calm down?” My chest rumbled with laughter. “Calm isn’t my kind of thing, and since I discovered you and that bitch daughter of yours are working together, I really can’t do calm. However, I can plan your funeral. Would you prefer open casket or closed? I’m thinking closed for your family’s sake. “
I watched his eyes grow wide as he took a step back. I was seething with rage. How could she do this to us? To the very fragile ground that we stood upon?
“She didn’t do anything wrong...” Of course, he would stick up for her. He was her father. He created the vindictive bitch.
“Her still breathing is wrong, her still living and having even known me is wrong. Was this a set up from the start?” I questioned, teetering right on the edge of sanity. I wanted to fuck her into oblivion and then watch her bleed out. I wouldn’t make her death quick. No, I would draw it out, inflicting pain in ways that were unimaginable.
“Killer, listen to me. Please, listen. She did this for you. She worked at this place—she didn’t work in the labs. She worked in the offices. She has no idea what this place is about.” His words were fucking with my head. I could feel fuzziness going in and out like a TV with a bad connection.
“She didn’t do this for me.” I could barely get the words out. Something in my chest was cracking—breaking. My chest burned, my heart ached, and I could feel something deep within me struggling to break free.
“She did. I have a plan. A way out, but I need you to calm down. To be level headed.” His voice was so quiet I almost didn’t hear it.
It’s a lie. A trap.The words echoed around in my mind.
“STOP LYING!!” I screamed, beating my fist against my head.
“There are cameras in every inch of this room. You fell right into Roger’s trap without even thinking. You hurt the one person you loved more than life itself, and for what? Did you get satisfaction out of it?”
“STOP!” I screamed, my chest heaving with every breath.
“I won’t stop. I know that you’re in there. I know you’ll regret this all when you come to the realization that we did nothing wrong.”
“You’re doing wrong as we speak. You engaging in conversation with me is wrong…” I was snapping, fracturing into someone else.
“I will make you all pay. I will bring this building and everyone in it to the fucking ground. Do you hear me?” I screamed, grabbing the bars of the cell.
“Your fighting is useless…” I turned on him, my anger directed at his mere presence.
“I will kill you, but not until I kill your daughter first. She betrayed me when I offered her my love. I will torture you both. I will teach you both that fucking with me was the wrong thing to do. You woke the beast, and now he’s thirsty for blood.” My voice cracked as I took another step toward him.
His blood would be on my hands.
“Killer.” He didn’t sound scared or worried. He just looked like he was annoyed.
“Richard, any last words?” I sneered.
“No, any last words, Killer?” he asked as I came to a stand in front of him, my hand reaching out to grip him by the throat.
I narrowed my eyes at him, and then realized I had been fooled. I could feel the prick of the needle against my skin. The drugs surging through my body. He had fooled me—they all had.
“I’m sorry. I wanted to do this any other way than the current, but you just wouldn’t listen.” He looked hurt as if doing this to me was the last thing he ever wanted to do.
Weakness took over as my fingers became numb, relaxing around his throat before falling to my sides. My eyes drifted closed as I tried to fight the drugs.
“When you wake up, we can talk, we can discuss this further…” Rage seethed within me. He was wrong—once I woke up, I would destroy and kill everything in my power.
Somewhere in my mind, I clung to a memory. A memory that caused me to rethink everything I had ever done.
“Why’re you mad at me?” I wanted answers. To beg her to tell me what was wrong. I had gone so long hiding my emotions that I wasn’t sure how to handle the feelings that I had now.
“I’m not mad,” she huffed.
“Yes, you are,” I countered back.