Page 35 of Killer (Project)
She’s lying.Something inside me told me that she could be telling the truth, but I refused to let my guard down. They wouldn’t get the best of me this time, not ever again.
“Trusting you got me in here. I’m hardly that dumb, little one,” I replied keenly. I watched her eyes light up with determination. Fear was pushed to the back burner as rage surfaced in its place. My cock got hard as she stared at me with anger in her eyes.
“Trusting me brought us back together. I know that you’re inside there, Diesel. I know you know that I didn’t do anything wrong.” Her voice was natural, almost familiar.
“STOP!!” I growled, my head feeling as if it was going to burst. I gripped my hair. Diesel. Diesel wasn’t here. He no longer existed. Diesel was no one.
“I know you’re in there. I can feel you in my heart. We did this together. We have come this far. Don’t give up on me—on us. Please…” I could see tears falling from her eyes. Those tears meant something to me, or at least they should have. Her life meant something to me—I just couldn’t pinpoint it.
Don’t listen to her. She’s no better than the rest of them.
“Diesel!” she screamed. That name. I would make her pay for trying to make me be someone I never was. A look of indecision crossed her face, and then she slammed her father’s hand down onto the pad in front of him. The glass barrier that separated us opened, followed by the steel door to the cell that held me. Before her father could close them both, she ran through them. Straight to me.
The beast inside of me growled in approval. She was mine at last to do whatever I pleased.
“I know you’re in there. I can feel it—come back to me.” She reached out for me. I recoiled, my mind uncertain as to why I wasn’t lashing out, why my hands weren’t around her neck ending her pathetic life.
“Stay away from me,” I screamed. The voice wasn’t my own—the feelings coming to the surface were unknown to me.
“Come back to me,” she cried out again taking another step forward, failing to heed my warning. Within a blink, I was gripping her by the shoulders, pressing her against the nearest wall. My hold was gentle but firm, and I wasn’t sure why. I should be hurting her… forcing her to feel my pain, making her bend to my will.
“Leave. Me. Alone.” I pronounced every single word for her so she could understand. Nothing in her eyes said she was backing down, and that only made me angrier.
“Remember us, remember this.” One of her hands cupped my face while the other forced my hand over her chest—her heart. I could feel the beat, the pulsing of blood as it pushed throughout her body. I tried to pull away, but she held my hand there, forcing me to feel her warmth, her beat. I listened to the rhythm, staring deeply into her eyes. She knew me, really knew me. I could feel it.
A snapping formed in my head, and I pulled away gripping at my scalp. Pain seared through my mind, and into my eyes. What was happening to me?
I fell to the ground, my knees bouncing on the hard floor. I could feel something ripping from inside of me. I could feel it pushing its way out. Like a snake weaving through the grass, it was going to make its appearance soon—striking at me while my defenses were down.
“What’s wrong?” I heard Maggie’s scream, and that was all it took to push me over the edge. Memories played out behind my closed lids. Colors of every spectrum were showing like a rainbow before me. Maggie.
Her delicate pink lips. Prom. A dress so beautiful it was startling. Her soft body beneath my own. Her panting for more.
A strangled sob ripped from my throat. My body was stiff as I absorbed all that I could, my nails dug into the floor. Then peace. Absolute silence was all I could hear in my mind. When I looked up at Maggie, I knew I had found myself again.
“You’re here…” She cried out with joy, smiling softly. She looked like she had been battered and bruised.
“Are you okay?” I asked. I wasn’t sure what had happened to her. I felt disconnected from what was taking place as if a block had been placed in my mind. I prayed that it wasn’t me who had touched her like this. If so, I didn’t think I would ever be able to forgive myself.
She nodded her head, gripping my hand, pulling me toward the exit. “We have wasted enough time. We need to leave now.” I looked up to see her father talking. I felt a tinge of anger toward him but wasn’t sure why.
I stopped just outside the cell. “What happened to Roger?” They looked between one another before looking back at me.
“Maggie put him to sleep. We need to get out of here and contact your people before it’s too late.” I tilted my chin up at him in understanding before pushing through the door. If we were going to break out, then we needed to do it fast. I was the biggest and scariest of all of us, the corporation’s prize possession. I could kill anyone who tried to stop our departing within a second.
Silence settled into all of us, the knowledge that we may not all make it out of here alive running through our minds. Maggie gripped my hand in hers, a silent promise that everything would be okay. I pushed into the stark white halls. There were cameras all over this building. They had to be watching us, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce.
Our footsteps were heavy and loud as we ran down the corridor coming to the end of the hall. I allowed Richard ahead of me to scan his keycard. As we slipped through the next door without a sound, I knew something was up. They were making it far too easy for us. No way would they just allow us to walk out of here. At least not without being in a casket. Something wasn’t right.
“We need to head toward the second level and then we can take the stairs,” Richard whispered as if it would indeed hide his discretions. He had already turned his back on the company the moment he allowed me out of that cell. Richard guided us up the stairs, our feet pounding against the flooring loudly. Fear was eating away at me. Where were they and why were they not trying to take us out by now?
We rounded the corner and my eyes landed on the elevators. My gaze drifted to the camera in the far corner of the hall as we waited for the elevator. Time seemed to stand still as the doors drifted open, allowing us inside.
Coolness encompassed me as the rush of relief flooded me. We were so close to getting out, so close.
Those emotions were short lived as the elevator screeched to a halt, a screaming siren sounding off in the distance. The noise reached us, and I watched Maggie’s heart plummet. We hadn’t made it this far and through all of this stuff to have been caught and placed back in those cells. I pushed at the roof of the elevator. There had to be a way out.
“This way.” I gestured, slamming my fist through the light and through the roof of the elevator. The draft of cold air shifted around us entering the elevator cart as I looked at Maggie.