Page 60 of Empire (Cartel)
How generous of you, I wanted to snap, but I bit my tongue, taking the menu silently. ‘I think I’ll shower first,’ I said, putting the menu to the side and sliding off the bed, the room spinning as I straightened on my feet. Dornan put his hands out to steady me, and I looked at them like they were cockroaches on me. I pushed him off, making my way into the bathroom with him hot on my heels. Guess he didn’t want me to lock myself in here again.
Without speaking – I was still coughing – I turned around, motioning to the zipper in the back of my dress. The room spun around me like a vortex of patterned tile and dark green wallpaper. And him.
Dornan unzipped me and I let the stupid dress fall to the floor, vowing to burn the fucking thing as soon as we were back home. I didn’t want any lasting reminders of this trip. I’d have to find a way to lose the ring, too. Maybe I’d cut my finger off in a ‘freak’ accident in the kitchen. I could live just fine with nine fingers, right?
I wrapped my arms around myself and waited, staring at the wall, as Dornan turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature. He held out a hand to help me in, but I sidestepped it, practically hugging the tiled wall as I inched under the hot water. Avoiding any eye contact, I shuffled to the far corner of the shower, as far away from him as I could get, and slid down the wall, sitting underneath the high-pressure shower head with my knees drawn up to my chest. I covered my face with my hands, parting my fingers slowly so I knew where Dornan was. Because, more than the fact that I couldn’t trust him, I could also no longer even try to predict what he was about to do next.
I peered at him through a river of mascara and my webbed fingers and saw his erection clearly bulging from his jeans. I wondered how it could be that a man could find such erotic thoughts while looking at the woman he’d almost just killed, as she sat naked in the bottom of a shower and wept.
I didn’t even know what time it was. I’d showered, wrapped myself in a fluffy robe, and come back out to the bed, where I now sat. My stomach was empty and growling for food.
‘I’ll order us some food,’ Dornan said. To go from such violence to total normality in such a short span of time was frightening, but a relief all the same. I’d almost died just now by Dornan’s hand – literally, his hand around my throat, cutting off my oxygen – and it was time to form some kind of escape plan.
An immediate one.
First, though, I had to survive the here and now. My stomach grumbled insistently, so loud that Dornan heard it. ‘You want eggs?’ he asked. What a fucking gentleman, this guy. A whirlwind (forced) wedding in Vegas, almost murdering me, and now he was offering to get me eggs.
‘I’ll be fine,’ I said, waving my hand dismissively. ‘You go shower. I’ll order for us. What do you want?’
‘Surprise me,’ he said, and I cringed. Surprises were bad. I didn’t ever want another surprise in my life again.
I waited until the shower was running and grabbed the room service menu. I did briefly contemplate the idea of running while Dornan showered, but it would’ve been for nothing. I had no money, no ID, I was an illegal immigrant, and I didn’t know Vegas. I could call John, sure, once I found a pay phone somewhere, but he’d get caught. We both would. The grip of the cartel was just too powerful.
I decided to stay in the room and avoid having to think about any of this for at least another twenty-four hours. I settled on what I wanted to order – eggs and bacon for me, eggs and steak for Dornan – and was about to pick up the phone when the fucking thing rang so loudly, I almost fell on the floor. I answered the phone as Dornan poked his head out of the bathroom door, a towel around his waist and dripping water everywhere.
‘Who is it?’ he asked.
‘It’s room service,’ a familiar male voice on the other end said.
‘It’s room service,’ I parroted back to Dornan. Oh, shit. I knew that voice. Velvet-smooth and cunning. Somebody who was looking for Murphy.
‘Act normally,’ said FBI Agent Lindsay Price. ‘You’re going to meet me downstairs in one hour, do you understand? Say yes so Dornan hears.’
‘Yes,’ I replied, well aware that Dornan was still watching intently.
‘You’re going to come unarmed. Say “scrambled eggs”.’
This was ridiculous. I didn’t want to meet Lindsay downstairs. He was probably here to fucking arrest me. I couldn’t leave Los Angeles with John and the kids if I wasbeing arrested.I couldn’t get back to my son if I was being arrested.
‘No, that’s wrong,’ I said. ‘That’s not what I said.’
I rolled my eyes at Dornan and said something into the phone in Spanish. ‘This guy’s English is terrible,’ I whispered, my hand over the receiver. ‘Go finish your shower.’
‘Don’t forget coffee,’ Dornan called, closing the bathroom door. I heard the shower start up again and returned my attention to the phone. ‘What the hell are you doing?’ I hissed. ‘Are you trying to get me killed?’
‘I was about three seconds from busting into your room this morning. How’s your neck?’
I felt like someone had knocked the wind out of me. Again.
‘You’re listening to us?’ I whispered.
‘Mostly watching,’ Lindsay replied.
Oh, for the love of all that is holy. Cameras!?A scarlet blush crept up my body and settled in my cheeks as I thought about what I’d been doing the night before. Putting on a porn show for an audience of one.