Page 23 of Let Me Hold You
“She’s still sick and won’t see a doctor. How can I leave her alone?” He swiped his phone and logged in. Searched Google Maps for the nearest twenty-four-seven urgent care.
Hmm. Fifteen minutes away. If he put a bucket in his truck, they might make it.
Maggie dragged herself back to the couch. Before she sat down, Levi stood up. “Girl, I’m taking you to urgent care right now. Go get dressed.”
“You want me to dress you? I can.” Levi made it like he was walking toward her bedroom.
She stopped him. “You wouldn’t dare. I’ll tell my brother.”
Levi smiled. “Then get dressed yourself.”
He paused. “On second thought, just go as you are. You have a goose down coat that goes to your ankle. That’s enough.”
“You want me to wear pajamas to the doctor’s office?”
“Why not? You’re sick.”
Maggie made a face. Pushed Levi aside. “Give me two minutes.”
Levi got himself a drink of water from the refrigerator. On the door were magnets holding up family photos. Two were dated and showed Maggie and Malachi when they were kids, playing firefighters. One seemed new and showed Maggie’s parents at some castle in Europe. It was a group shot with two other people.
Must be nice to still have parents. Levi’s father had died a long time ago, when Levi was still a teenager. Dad had fallen overboard at the offshore oil rig where he worked. His body had never been found.
Years later, Levi’s mother died of leukemia. An only child, he went to live with Uncle Melvin and Aunt Marie in Savannah, Georgia, until he went to college.
He had been on his own since.
The bedroom door opened. It creaked a little. Levi made a mental note to oil the hinges.
Maggie stepped out. She had upgraded from pajamas to a sweater and sweatpants. Her goose down coat was in her hands.
Sometimes Levi slept in his sweatpants, so he wasn’t sure why Maggie couldn’t just wear her pajamas to urgent care.
“You know I can drive myself,” Maggie said.
“I know. But I’m here, Mags. Let me take care of you.” Levi helped Maggie with her coat.
“Why are you so nice to me?”
“Aren’t we best buddies? If I were sick, wouldn’t you do the same?”
Levi remembered something. “Just so you know, I had to use your spare key to get in last night when you didn’t answer the door.”
“That’s why I gave you the key. In case of emergencies, come rescue me. If I lock myself out of the house, come help me.” Maggie’s voice cracked. “You’re the best man, Levi—besides my brother and Dad, of course.”
Or family zoned?
“Do you have your phone?” Levi asked.
Maggie checked her purse. “Not here. Not sure where I put it.”
Levi swiped his own phone and called Maggie’s phone. He couldn’t hear a thing.