Page 31 of Let Me Hold You
“I know you have a cover story that you tell people at church, but if I want to know the truth about your situation, only youalone can tell me. But failing you, I could call Tally. She’s a friend of mine too.”
“Tally won’t tell you, so don’t bother. That would be like me asking your cousin to spill the tea.” Maggie smeared wasabi on the little rolls of sushi. “I will tell you what you need to know. The rest, just don’t ask.”
“I should have said I’ll call your brother. I’m sure Malachi will talk to me.” Levi loaded the dishwasher.
Maggie shrugged. “Malachi does what Malachi does.”
“I know that there’s something more to this move,” Levi said. “If you were moving out of your parents’ house to your own place, you would have told me. I didn’t know until last night that you were packing up.”
“You’re not family, so why should I tell you?”
“May I remind you that we’re besties?”
“May I remind you that once you have a girlfriend, this buddy system between you and me has to end.”
“You keep saying that but my first date night with Forsythia isn’t until Tuesday.”
Ah, Tuesday. So the date is set.
“Did Alden call you or something?” Maggie kept eating.
“We ran into each other after church this morning.” Levi closed the dishwasher door. “Said it would’ve been a double date, but the reservation was only for two.”
“It’s fine. It would be best to just leave you and Forsythia alone. We don’t need to chaperon you. You’re adults.”
“I see.” Levi frowned.
“You see what?”
“You were supposed to have dinner with him. What an opportunist.” Levi leaned down at the table and his eyes met Maggie’s. “Were you thinking he’s a prospect?”
“Why are you like that? Why can’t I go out with Alden? What is it to you who I go out with?”
“Snappy, are we?”
“Look. Why is it okay for you to go out with Forsythia, but not okay for me to have dinner with Alden?” It seemed that Levi was crossing the line and interfering with her love life. Was he still a best friend?
“Alden’s not your Mr. Right.” Levi looked like he wanted to say more, but didn’t.
“And who might that be?” Maggie looked up, directly into Levi’s eyes.
She couldn’t say the world stood still for a brief moment because it didn’t. In fact, she felt awkward.
He stepped back. “I’m your best friend and I’m only looking out for your best interest, Mags.”
Levi went back to the stove to check on his simmering chicken. He turned the stove down.
“Maybe I don’t want you to be my best friend anymore.”
“Is that why you’re leaving me?” He pointed to the boxes all around them.
It was time to talk about the boxes. “My parents are in their seventies. I’ve only seen them once a year after college. I thought they’d retire in Atlanta, come back to this old house, and stay with me. However, that’s not the case. They want to retire where the weather is warmer all year round.”
Levi stared at Maggie. “That’s it?”
All you need to know, Levi.“Mrs. Kim will make the announcement to the staff about my departure when they start posting the job opening.”
“You can’t be replaced, Mags.” Levi leaned against a kitchen counter that was older than both of them, his arms folded. “Already it takes a full-timer to handle half your job at the Village. Erika told me she couldn’t believe you did all that work plus your work as ministry assistant at church.”