Page 38 of Let Me Hold You
Forsythia almost got up. Her eyes widened. “Right now?”
“I suppose it’s all right if it’s fine with your date.”
Levi raised a hand. “We’re not dating. We’re just colleagues at work, here to have you sign her cookbooks.”
He was sure of what he spoke. He felt a calmness in his heart, now that he knew that letting Forsythia go was the right thing to do.
As for Maggie, he wasn’t sure where that relationship would lead. He knew he had to decide soon because Maggie would be moving away in three weeks.
Or perhaps he didn’t have to decide now. He could let it flow where it might. That would give him time to pray about it and seek God’s will.
Why hadn’t he thought of that when it came to pursuing Forsythia?
Forsythia got out of her chair and chatted with Chef Stephanos.
“Don’t forget your cookbooks,” Levi said to her.
“Yes.” Forsythia picked up the cookbooks.
“I have to leave shortly, but perhaps you two can sit at this table,” Levi suggested. “Unless the Chef is working tonight.”
“Are you giving up your seat?” Chef Stephanos asked.
“I’ll still pay for dinner if you wish.”
“No, dinner is on the house because Chef Forsythia has challenged my menu.”
“Well, let me stay out of the drama then.” Levi put his napkin on the table. “I best be going. Someone needs me at home—I mean, at her home.”
“Say hi to her for me, will you?” Forsythia’s voice wasn’t bitter at all. Her focus seemed to be elsewhere.
Levi nodded.
After wishing the two chefs a good evening, Levi left the restaurant. He threw his jacket in the backseat of his pickup truck, and started the engine. But he didn’t leave the parking lot.
“Lord, I have a lot to learn. I’m sorry I’m such a late bloomer at thirty-three years old. What now?”
Forsythia had implied that Maggie had feelings for him. Did he have feelings for Maggie?
But first things first. He knew he had to ask Maggie to forgive him for using her to get a date with Forsythia. At the same time, it seemed that he had watched Romans 8:28 play out at the restaurant.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Even his non-date dinner with Forsythia had yielded insight into a matter that Levi hadn’t considered. Looking back, he could see that his heart was bent toward Maggie.
For example, he didn’t like seeing Alden helping Maggie decorate the community center at the Village.
Was that jealousy?
Yes? No? I don’t know.
When Maggie moved to Florida, she’d be away from Alden. But in Florida, she might meet someone else. Would Levi be okay with that?
He texted his cousin, Cyrus, in Savannah, to see if he had a free minute. It was a little after eight o’clock in the evening, andLevi guessed correctly that Cyrus was still awake and probably working in his home office.
Cyrus called him back on video. He was in his office, as Levi had expected. “You have a question for me because I’m married? What sort of question?”