Page 63 of Let Me Hold You
This was coming at her more suddenly than she’d expected, and sadly, only ten days before her departure for Florida.
“If God wants to bless me with you, who am I to say no?” Levi asked. “I’m truly sorry that I didn’t see who God had in store for me sooner—but better now than before you leave town.”
“I don’t know what to say, Levi.”
“Cyrus and even Forsythia thought that you and I were already an item. I mean, I didn’t tell them that I have the keys to your house and drop in often, and that we are comfortable with each other. That would be TMI.”
Was it too much information? To be sure, it was highly unusual, but Levi knew that he had the house keys because Malachi trusted him. Since Malachi trusted him, so did Maggie.
And here we are today.
Maggie could hardly look at him. It had been a long journey for her. She had fallen in love with Levi when she was nursing his broken heart after he witnessed Soline’s first love propose to her at Tally’s wedding reception in February of the year before. However, with her brother around, Maggie kept her feelings to herself.
After Levi had felt better and gone back to his life without Soline, Maggie thought she had a chance, but then Levi set his sight on anyone but Maggie.
Even though she did her best as Levi’s friend, her heart couldn’t take it any longer. When her parents told her that they were retiring to Florida and wanted to sell their Atlanta home, Maggie took the opportunity to make a clean break from Levi.
“Now I want us to be more than friends,” Levi said.
Levi nodded.
“How much more?”
“For starters, this much…” Levi planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Maggie was processing his public display of affection before she realized that he wasn’t done communicating.
“And this much…” Levi leaned down, and his lips found hers.
Right in the middle of the afternoon crowd in the Village square.
Chapter Fifteen
While Levi’s feelings for Maggie had developed later than hers, she had not rejected him when he kissed her forehead and then lips, back at the Christmas Village square three afternoons ago.
He thought the crowd had largely ignored them showing a public display of affection. However, the PDA wasn’t for them. It was for Maggie. Levi wanted her to know that he wasn’t afraid to publicly declare his commitment to her.
That he was serious about it.
Levi replayed the scene over and over again in his head the next three days at home and at work at the warehouse. He had sorted out the inventory himself and didn’t need Maggie’s help at all—contrary to what Mrs. Kim suggested the night of the tree lighting.
Mrs. Kim—bless her heart—was full of ideas. Most of them were great ideas that improved the church. But this interdepartmental cross training was something that Levi wasn’t sure he could endorse. He didn’t mind having workers from other church departments and ministries lending a helping hand in the warehouse, but he was afraid that he’d be called to theMidtown Chapel building to do things like planning children’s programs.
Sure, he’d like to have children in the future, but there was always a time for everything under the sun, and now wasn’t it.
At this moment, he had a feeling that Maggie was still in a daze about his feelings for her since it might seem sudden. He had to assure her that Theroux men made decisions very quickly. She could ask Cyrus, who knew with God-given certainty that he wanted to marry Amy.
He and Maggie hadn’t even gone out on their first date.
Sure, they had gone out to eat many times, just the two of them, but a real date night hadn’t happened yet. So far both of them had been super busy with work. He had hardly talked to Maggie since church on Sunday.
They were down to her last week at Midtown Chapel. Mrs. Kim hadn’t hired a replacement assistant. However, Maggie had spent most of the last days in meetings with Bina and Erika at the Village.
Will Levi hear from Maggie before Christmas?