Page 66 of Let Me Hold You
“Did you check the pros and cons?”
“And prayed over every single one of them. Still, I was thinking that I am missing something and I can’t put my thumb on it. I’ve already quit my job as a ministry assistant… Oh.” She paused.
“Oh what?”
“I forgot to tell you. A couple of Fridays ago, Mrs. Kim told me about the restructuring of the women’s ministry for next year. Instead of putting everything under the women’s ministry banner and getting everyone confused about whether the event is for single women, mothers, single mothers, divorced mothers, you name it, Mrs. Kim wants to name each specific sub-ministry. For example, Midtown Moms will become an entity.”
“Interesting. So?”
“So they need an event coordinator. That used to be Tally’s job and I was sort of her understudy since I worked with her for five years. Mrs. Kim asked that I consider applying for the event coordinator job. She seems to indicate that I have a chance of getting it due to my qualifications and experience.”
Levi chewed the chicken slowly, mulling over this new piece of information. God was certainly at work, but Maggie wasn’t seeing it.
“What if God has opened that door for you at Midtown?” Levi asked.
“The timing is so off.”
“How so?”
“I was thinking, why didn’t God open that door before I quit my job?”
Levi shrugged. “Who can know the mind of God?”
“But don’t we have the mind of Christ?” Maggie asked.
“Let’s see what 1 Corinthians 2:16 says.” Levi tapped his phone and found it.
For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.
“I see quotes around the phrase ‘who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?’ Do you know where it might have been from?” Levi asked.
“Has to be the Old Testament. Let me look it up.” Maggie checked her Bible app. “Found the closest reference. Isaiah 40:13.”
Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord,
Or as His counselor has taught Him?
“In both verses, the Bible is saying that are in this earthly body filled with a sin nature, so we can’t tell God what to do,” Levi said.
“However, Christ in us can show us what we need to do.”
“Exactly.” Levi nodded. “We need to be willing to change on a dime if the Lord calls us here or there.”
“Did God not call me to Lakeside?”
“Or did you hear yourself? What were you running away from?”
Maggie didn’t answer. She ate quietly. When she finished her stir-fried beef, she turned to Levi.
Tears in her eyes. “I was running away from you. I thought you didn’t want me.”
Oh. No wonder she had been looking hurt for weeks.
“I didn’t know I did until I realized that the things I’ve done lately have been to fight for you and for your attention. I hated it when you and Alden got along so well. I didn’t like it when you decided to move away. I want you to be by my side always for the rest of my life. I don’t think that will work if we’re only best friends. I don’t want you to date—or worse, marry—someone else.”
That was a mouthful but he was being honest with Maggie.
“It took me a while to realize that I was falling in love with you and denying it.” He reached for her hand. “Now we’re on the same page where our hearts are concerned, but not where our house is.”