Page 34 of The Crown's Choice
King Albert attempted a weak smile, reaching out to squeeze James’s hand. Even without words, his touch conveyed reassurance and understanding.
“J-just promise me,” James continued, his voice cracking with emotion, “Promise me you’ll take it easy, Father. We need you to get better, and I need you to guide me. I still have so much to learn before I’m ready to be king.”
“O-of course,” King Albert rasped, his eyes shining with love and pride.
“Thank you, Father,” James whispered, blinking away his tears. “I promise I’ll make you proud.”
As father and son shared this tender moment, the heavy weight of kingship lifted ever so slightly from James’s shoulders. He knew that he still had much to learn, but for now, he could bask in the joy of his father’s recovery and the knowledge that he wasn’t alone in his journey.
James shifted in his chair beside the hospital bed, his mind racing with thoughts and worries. His father’s weak smile did little to ease the turmoil within him. As much as he felt relief knowing his father was awake, he couldn’t help but question his own abilities as a leader.
“Father,” James hesitated, wringing his hands nervously. “I...I don’t know if I can do this. Protect everyone, lead our kingdom...It’s just so overwhelming.”
King Albert’s eyes, full of empathy, met James’s gaze. Though he couldn’t speak, it was clear he was listening intently.
“There was a second assassination attempt on the day you had surgery,” James said, swallowing hard. “It’s still unsolved, and I can’t help but feel responsible.”
He paused for a beat, glancing around the room before lowering his voice. “Between you and me, Father, I think Christopher might be involved.”
The king’s eyes widened in surprise, but he remained silent, his eyes urging James to continue.
“Christopher’s been acting strange lately,” James explained, his words tumbling out in a rush. “And I caught him snooping around your study the other day, which is definitely not like him.”
James watched his father closely for any sign of reaction, but King Albert maintained a stoic expression. Still, James felt compelled to share his doubts and fears with the only person who could truly understand.
“Maybe it’s just my overactive imagination,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Or possibly the bullets whizzing past my head. But I can’t shake the feeling that something’s off.”
“Every time I think about it, though, I feel like a failure,” James continued, his voice barely above a whisper. “As heir to the throne, shouldn’t I be able to protect our kingdom and the people I care about?”
Tears threatened to spill over once more, and James took a deep breath to steady himself. King Albert reached out and placed a gentle hand on his son’s arm, a silent gesture of support.
“Thank you for listening, Father,” James said softly, his tears finally falling. “I promise I’ll do everything in my power to keep our kingdom safe and find out the truth about Christopher.” He shook his head. “You’re not going to take back the throne of a country in the midst of anarchy.”
Chapter Fifteen
The steady beep of medical monitors filled the dimly lit room as King Albert slept peacefully in his hospital bed. James sat at his father’s bedside, filling the king in on the investigation and how things were going in the kingdom.
He stopped speaking as the doctor walked into the room. “Your Majesty, I was hoping you’d be here.”
“Just filling Dad in on all that’s happened in the kingdom.”
“I saw the reports of you being shot at in our own parking lot. Your fiancée is an amazing woman. I’m impressed she saved you the way she did.”
James smiled. “She’s going to be a good wife to me.”
“I wanted to let you know that your father is doing well,” the doctor said. “He’s going to make a full recovery. I think we will have him back home in another week.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” James said, relief washing over him like a warm wave. “We are truly indebted to you and your team for taking such good care of him.”
“It’s our pleasure, Your Majesty. We’re honored to serve the royal family.” Dr. Williams adjusted his glasses and smiled kindly. “Now, I must see to my other patients. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask Nurse Hathaway.”
“Of course, Doctor. Thank you again.” James watched as Dr. Williams left the room before turning his attention to the nurse who stood patiently near the door. Her name tag read ‘Hathaway,’ and he could tell she was young, but her eyes held wisdom beyond her years.
“Excuse me, Nurse Hathaway,” James said softly, careful not to disturb his father’s rest. “I was wondering if you could bring me a blanket. You keep this room so cold!”
She nodded. “Yes, of course. Hospitals are always cold.”
“Thank you for being here and looking after him,” James said with genuine gratitude. “It means a great deal to me and my family.”