Page 45 of The Crown's Choice
“Breakfast will be here soon,” James announced, hanging up the phone and wrapping his arm around Amanda. She smiled, content in their little world of love and laughter.
“Thank you,” she said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “For everything.”
“Anything for you,” he replied, his eyes sparkling with genuine affection.
A short while later, Amanda and James sat up in bed with their breakfast trays balanced precariously on their laps. They tried to take bites of their scrambled eggs and crispy bacon, but their eyes were drawn like magnets back to each other’s faces. Each time they looked away, their laughter bubbled up, making it nearly impossible to eat properly.
“Okay,” Amanda giggled, attempting to steady her hand as she held a forkful of egg hovering in mid-air. “I’m going to try this again.” She focused on the food with determination, only to be interrupted by James reaching out to brush a wayward curl from her face.
“Maybe we should just give up and feed each other?” James suggested, a playful grin spreading across his face. “At least that would force us to look at something other than each other’s eyes for a moment.”
“Deal,” Amanda agreed, still chuckling. They exchanged forks, feeding each other bites of breakfast, enjoying the intimacy of the shared experience. Even though they couldn’t seem to keep their eyes off one another, their laughter continued to fill the room, evidence of their deepening bond.
After finishing their meal, Amanda and James decided it was time to get ready for the day. They stepped into the spacious bathroom together, sharing the large, sunlit space as they went about their morning routine. James ran a bath, filling the tub with warm water and fragrant bubbles while Amanda brushed her teeth, watching him in the mirror. Their eyes met again, and she couldn’t help but smile at the happiness radiating from him.
“Ready to explore the grounds?” James asked.
“Absolutely,” Amanda replied, her excitement bubbling up. “I can’t wait to see everything.”
They stepped out of the hunting lodge, hand in hand, and began their leisurely stroll through the well-manicured grounds. The air was fresh and crisp, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves overhead as they walked along the gravel path. It was a perfect day, the sun shining brightly above them.
As they wandered, Amanda couldn’t help but notice the guards discreetly positioned around the property. Their presence was unobtrusive yet reassuring, a reminder that even in their secluded getaway, they were never truly alone.
“Are you worried about security?” she asked.
“A little,” he admitted, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. “But I trust our people. They’ll make sure we’re safe.”
Amanda nodded, comforted by his confidence. They continued their walk, immersed in conversation and laughter, enjoying every moment together. She felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for this time they had been given to simply be together, away from the pressures of their daily lives.
THE SUN CAST A GOLDEN hue on the meticulously groomed gardens as James led Amanda toward the gazebo. A picnic blanket lay across the floor, and an assortment of delicious finger foods adorned a small table beside a bottle of chilled champagne.
“James, this is beautiful,” Amanda breathed in awe, taking in the vibrant colors of the flowers that surrounded them.
“Only the best for my queen,” he teased, pulling her close for a tender kiss. They settled down onto the blanket, their laughter filling the air as they shared stories and memories while feasting on the delectable treats.
As they dined, they couldn’t help but steal glances at each other, their eyes sparkling with love and happiness. The world seemed to shrink around them, leaving only the beauty of the moment, the taste of the food, and the warmth of their connection.
“Ready for dessert?” James asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“Always,” Amanda replied, her laughter joining his as they savored the sweetness of chocolate-covered strawberries.
When their meal was complete, they lounged in the gazebo, enjoying the gentle caress of the breeze against their skin. But soon, a playful glint appeared in Amanda’s eyes, and she challenged James to a race back to their room.
“Think you can beat me?” she taunted, already rising to her feet.
“Ha, I know I can!” James boasted, mirroring her stance.
“All right, then. On your mark, get set... go!” Amanda shouted, and the two of them sprinted across the gardens, laughter trailing behind them as they raced toward the hunting lodge.
Their childish antics did not go unnoticed by the maids who were tending to their duties nearby. Giggles erupted from the small group as they watched the couple dash past, their faces flushed with excitement and joy.
“Look at them,” one maid whispered to another, shaking her head in amusement. “They’re so in love.”
“Isn’t it wonderful?” her companion sighed, pausing for a moment to watch the lovers disappear into the hunting lodge, their laughter still echoing in the air.
And as James and Amanda crossed the threshold, their hearts pounding with adrenaline and joy, they knew that within these walls, they had found a sanctuary where love could truly flourish. Each stolen glance, each shared laugh, every moment spent together only served to deepen their connection, weaving an unbreakable bond between them.
Over the course of those two idyllic weeks, James and Amanda found themselves lost in a world of their own making—a world where time seemed to slow down just for them. They spent their days exploring the sprawling grounds of the hunting lodge, hand in hand, as though they were the only two people on earth.