Page 21 of Tuck & Roll
“Tuck,” he nodded his head. “Nice meeting you. Take good care of our girl.” He gave her a two-finger salute and was on his way.
Kylie resumed her seat and glanced over to see how Tuck took to her hugging Gavin. Not well if his death grip on his fork turning his knuckles white was any indication. His mouth was pinched and his eyes shot daggers at Gavin’s disappearing back. His eyes shot back to her. “I’m guessing he fucked you?” It was more of an accusation than an actual question the way he said it.
What the hell was his problem? Why was he so pissed off at the thought of Gavin and her having sex? It’s not like Tuck was a freaking angel.
“If you mean did he and I have sex while we were together for over a year, then yes. It’s not like he was a one-night stand. Unlike you, I’m not built to have casual sex. I need it to mean something.” She picked up her fork and stabbed at her food. What she really wanted to do was stab her fork into his hand. The jerk. It was okay for him to screw every female in the county, but her having sex with a man she’d had feelings for and was with for more than a minute was unacceptable? Bullshit.
His apology took the wind out of her sail. “You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s not any of my business.” He dipped his head. “Wait. Is he the man that left his mark on you?”
Sighing heavily, she replied, “No. He’s not.”
They returned to their meal and finished it in silence. Tuck paid the tab while she used the restroom. When she returned, he steered them out to his bike and helped her put her jacket on.
“Hop on. I want to show you something.”
She was surprised to hear he still wanted to go for a ride. She thought after their interaction with Gavin, he would be more than ready to take her home. She would’ve been disappointed if she’d missed out on the ride, but she would have understood.
She wrapped her arms around Tuck like he’d instructed, not minding in the least having to hold on to him so tight. The feel of his ripped abs under her hands brought back memories of the night they’d had sex. She’d enjoyed running her hands over his tight abdomen as she rested her head on his chest. She mentally shook her head, trying to dispel the images. She had to find a way to forget that night the same way Tuck had so she could move on with her life. Tuck was not meant for her and she needed to get over it already.
She vowed to enjoy this ride and the time spent with Tuck because it was probably going to be the last time this happened. To that end, she took a deep breath of the fresh night air and watched the trees fly by. The moon was almost full and lit up the road leading them out of town.
She wasn’t sure how long they’d been riding before he turned down a dirt road. On second thought, it was more like a path cut through the trees.
She could barely make out what was in front of them, the single headlight making a small dent in the darkness created by all the leaf laden tree branches hanging over their path. He slowed his bike in order to avoid several deep holes. He slowed even further as he broke through the trees, the road ending at a small clearing.
He shut his bike down and offered her a hand to get off. She removed her helmet and handed it to him. He hung it up and reached for her hand, pulling her deeper into the clearing. “Stop right here.” He barred her way with an arm across her chest. “Easy.”
She’d been so focused on how dark it felt under the canopy of trees as compared to how bright it was across the moonlit field in front of them that she hadn’t realized that she wasn’t standing on top of a hill. She was actually steps away from the edge of a cliff. Her heart thundered in her chest and her breath whooshed out. “Oh my God. Are you trying to kill me?” she half joked.
“No. I am not trying to kill you, smartass. I brought you here to show you this.” He waved his hand out over the valley. The moon almost served as a spotlight the way it reflected off the slow-moving surface of the river cutting a path through the valley below. In the distance she could make out the glow of what looked like city lights.
“Is that Redemption?”
“Yes. And way over there to the far left,” he pointed, “is the Sons clubhouse. You can barely see the lights, but I know where it is.”
“Wow. That’s so cool. How do you know about this place?”
Tuck shrugged a shoulder. “Just out riding one day, saw the road and pulled back here. I like to come here once in a while to clear my head when things get a little crazy.”
Kylie chuckled. “I thought you were going to say something like, this is where you take some of the women you pick up in bars when you don’t want the hassle of kicking them out of your bed.” She mentally slapped her forehead. What possessed her to say that?
It almost looked like hurt crossing across his handsome features before he frowned. “I haven’t ever brought anyone here before.”
Her head jerked back at his admission.
“You seemed surprised.”
It was her turn to shrug a shoulder. “I guess I kind of am.”
His free hand landed over his heart, as if trying to play off the vulnerability he probably hadn’t meant to show. “You wound me, Kylie Jo.”
“Oh stop. I do not.” She shoved at his shoulder.
He turned toward her, all playfulness gone. He cupped her cheek, his thumb moving gently across her cheek. “I don’t know what to do with you.” His voice was gruff and his brows dipped low. “I want to kiss you so bad, I can barely stand it and then I’m terrified that if I do, you won’t want to be my friend anymore.” He brushed a strand of hair off her face. “Tell me, Kylie Jo, what should I do?”
Kylie’s heart beat wildly in her chest. She had the same fear he did, but she also wanted his kiss like she wanted her next breath. Knowing she would probably regret it later, she whispered, “Kiss me, Tuck.”