Page 74 of Tuck & Roll
Darren was right. Tuck had to be as confused and hurt by all of this mess as she was, but knowing that didn’t make it hurt any less for her.
“How will I ever face your friends and their families again? They must think I’m a complete loser.” Her shoulders slumped in defeat.
“No. They will not think you’re a loser. They’ll think Tuck is. Especially the old ladies. If he didn’t leave soon after we did, there’s a chance they may have tried to castrate him.”
“Noooo. They wouldn’t?”
Darren laughed and pushed off the doorway. “No. But they could come up with something equally as scary if they put their minds to it.”
“Why would they do that to Tuck?” she asked, following him into the kitchen.
“Because, whether you’re with Tuck or not, the club has claimed you and with you being a woman, they’ll have your back.”
“But they don’t really know me.” She stood at the table, clutching the back of a chair.
“They know you well enough. You helped rescue Lindsey and that right there will win their loyalty and friendship. You took care of one of them and now it’s their time to take care of you. All that, plus Race’s stamp of approval and you’re part of the Sons of Redemption MC with or without Tuck. Oh, and there’s also the matter that you’re carrying a baby biker. The club will always look out for you and junior.”
“Junior? How do you know it’s not a girl?” Her hand absently settled on her still flat stomach.
He shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t. If it’s a girl, she’ll be a club princess like Jackson and Calliope’s little Harper and Trick’s Reagan. And Dagger’s girls. And Race’s Shannon and Liza. Race’s girls will have it the worst, though.” He pulled out a package of chicken, then some vegetables, taking them all to the sink.
“The worst? The worst how?” She followed him to the sink.
“They’re the president’s daughters. The other girls will all have a rough time dating given who their fathers are, but being the president’s daughters, they not only have a dad looking out for them, but a whole club will have their eyes on them.” He stepped out onto the back deck to get the grill going, Kylie trialing behind.
“Why do Race’s daughters have it so bad?”
“Because if our enemies ever take one or both, they could cripple our club. What dad wouldn’t cave to any demands for the sake of his daughters?”
“Wow.” Maybe she should be praying for a boy.
“Yeah. Liza was taken with Bellamy not too long ago. Luckily, Bellamy is a total badass and was able to protect the both of them. If she hadn’t been there to keep Liza safe, God only knows what Race might have been forced to do.” With the grill started, he went back inside to get the chicken and vegetables ready.
“Get yourself a juice and me a beer and come sit outside with me while I grill this.”
Kylie did as he suggested, choosing an apple juice for herself. She took a seat at the table, watching as Darren did his thing at the grill. “Do you think Tuck will ever forgive me? I realize that maybe I should have said something to him about having sex when he didn’t remember, but I was just so mad and hurt I couldn’t do it.”
“He’ll forgive you. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t show up here tomorrow begging for your forgiveness.”
“You really think so?”
“Yeah, I do. In fact, once he gets over the shock and guilt, he’s going to be over the moon to be having a baby with you.”
She hoped Darren was right. But how would it work? She couldn’t possibly move in with Tuck while Taylor was living there. The woman was evil and Kylie didn’t trust her any farther than she could throw her.
She’d gotten her insurance money and should probably be looking for a house for her and the baby. She couldn’t possibly stay here with Darren despite his assurances that he wouldn’t mind. She felt that was taking advantage of his hospitality. She supposed she could give it four more weeks and see how the paternity test turned out with Taylor. If the baby was Tuck’s, Kylie could then buy her own house. If it wasn’t Tuck’s, then maybe she could move in. Or maybe, she and Tuck could find a place all their own without the taint of Taylor all throughout it.
Once again, dinner was delicious. Darren’s culinary skills were amazing. He would truly make someone a great husband or old man or whatever they wanted to call it. He was super-hot, patient, caring and was a great listener.
After they’d eaten, they gathered their dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher before heading to the living room to watch season two of Game of Thrones. She’d seen all eight season before and was currently rewatching from the beginning.
She’d started it a couple of nights ago while Darren was out doing club business. One of the prospects was on guard duty and said he didn’t care what she watched. She and Miles were in the middle of episode two when Darren got home. He’d told Miles he could hit the road and took his place on the couch after grabbing himself an iced tea. He started asking questions and she tried to explain. At his confused expression, she’d gone back to episode one and started over so that he could catch up.
When the scene with Cersei and Jamie Lannister having sex in an abandoned tower came on, Darren’s brows shot to his head. “What the fuck? Is that dude fucking his sister?”
“Yes,” she laughed. “That happened a lot back in the day as a way of keeping the bloodlines pure or some stupid crap. Wait until you meet their children.”
“The fuck? They have kids together?”