Page 96 of Tuck & Roll
A few minutes later, a man around six feet tall with a slim build, dressed in an expensive suit walked through the door. His tie was missing and the first two buttons of his shirt were undone. His well-trimmed blond hair had furrows probably from running his fingers through it. Despite how well dressed he appeared, his five o’clock shadow and dark circles under his eyes clearly stated the man had been suffering many sleepless nights. He imagined he’d been frantic to find his pregnant fiancée.
His blue eyes took in the room with a sweeping glance, not missing the Sons of Redemption cut Tuck was wearing. The man had an air about him that suggested he had money and power and was used to fixing whatever problem came his way. He walked straight to Tuck, offering his hand. “Tuck? I’m Michael Trent.”
Huh. And Taylor wanted to name the baby Trent Michael. Did she not ever plan on telling this man when she had the baby? Did she plan on keeping the baby all to herself?
Tuck shook his hand.
“Thank you again for answering.”
“Yeah. Glad I did.” Tuck knew the man had questions. Like, how did he know Taylor? How did Taylor get mixed up with a biker? Why would she run to Tuck when she could have gone to her parents? “This is Martin and Carol Green, Taylor’s parents.” He introduced them. “As you can see, they are very much alive and well. Please don’t hold anything Taylor says or does against them. They did their best, but Taylor is,” Tuck struggled for the right word. “Taylor.” He shrugged a shoulder.
“She told you we were dead?” Carol growled.
“Um. Yes.” Michael hesitated.
“Oh, you just wait til I get my hands on that girl.” Carol was pissed. “I’m going to wring her neck.”
“Is there any word on Taylor or my son?” Michael asked Tuck.
“Not yet. Why don’t we all have a seat and you guys can get to know each other?”
Everyone settled into their seats. He let Michael and the Greens speak amongst themselves, only occasionally adding some detail the other three might not have known. The longer they talked, the more common ground they found. The biggest was they all loved Taylor despite the fact she was a royal bitch.
A nurse stepped into the room. “Mr. Tucker?”
“Yeah. That’s me,” he replied as he took to his feet.
“If you want to follow me to the nursery, you can see your son now.”
“And Taylor? How is she?” Carol asked.
The nurse looked between Mrs. Green, Michael and Tuck. “This is her parents and this is her fiancé.” At the nurse’s confused frown, he added, “It’s a long story.”
“Taylor is fine. We’re getting her ready to bring her back to her room, then we’ll bring the baby in for a little while. For now, if you’d like to get your first look at your son, you can follow me.”
Michael’s jaw clenched every time the nurse talked about his son being Tuck’s. It looked like for now, he was holding his tongue. It would be quicker and easier to be able to see his son.
The group of four stopped outside the nursery while the nurse went inside. She walked over to one of the bassinets and wheeled it closer to the window for them to get a better look. She picked him up and everyone held their breath. She pulled his cap off and said, “Take a look at all this hair.”
Oh yeah. That boy was not his. The little guy was cute, but he had a headful of white hair. Not blond. White. No one in his family or Taylor’s had ever had blond hair.
“Was your hair this white when you were born?” Carol whispered, clearly in awe of her new grandson.
“Yes. All of my siblings did, too.” Michael sounded a little choked up.
Tuck turned to the man irrevocably tied to Taylor from this day forward. “Congratulations, man.”
“Thank you.” Michael ran a hand over his mouth, his eyes looking suspiciously like he had tears.
“You’re welcome and good luck.” He shook Michael’s hand, congratulated the Greens and told them all he needed to be somewhere. Whatever the guy decided to do with Taylor, Tuck knew she deserved it.
He walked out the hospital doors, feeling like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and never looked back. Right now, his only thought was to get to Darren’s so he could see Kylie and tell her the good news. He hopped in his truck and checked his phone. He had several messages from Race, Darren, Jed and Jackson.
He listened to the first voicemail from Darren on speaker. I know you’re dealing with some shit with Taylor right now, but you need to know some shit went down at Bottoms Up. Long story short, it got raided and the old ladies and prospects were taken down to the police station. We went to get them and Kylie is missing. Call me.
He didn’t bother with any other voicemails or texts. He hit speed dial for Darren and impatiently waited to see where he need to go.