Page 11 of Never Let Me Go
Crap! Quickly, I put down my teacup and pull out my iPad, typing notes as fast as he makes his statements. David’s eyes linger on me, but I block him out, focusing on capturing all of Mr. Westerhaven’s thoughts. After all, he is my boss.
It’s not much different from the original brief I received back in Chicago, and what David told me last night, but I still diligently make notes. Basically, Mr. Westerhaven wants Haven Property’s new look to revolve around David’s personality, his professional style, all that kind of thing. He wants it known without having to explicitly state it that David is the face of Haven Property, and the future of the company. Though he still doesn’t speak, triumphant vibes are rolling off David.
Risking a sideways glance, I take in his cocky smirk and his confident posture. I finish making my notes and finally pick up my teacup as Mr. Westerhaven addresses himself to David.
“Summon the head of your marketing department. Priestly, isn’t it? Ms. Kasan should have a full, comprehensive tour of Haven Property’s offices if she is to get a real feel for the place.”
“Of course, Uncle Bill.” David sets down his cup and saucer, standing and moving across to his desk to buzz the intercom. As he rounds it, he looks up, his hand shoved casually in his pocket as Mr. Westerhaven speaks again.
“Where is she working? Surely you have her set up in her own space, and you’re not keeping her up here with you?”
My shock at the idea that David could have me working off this couch mirrors the surprise in Mr. Westerhaven’s tone. David barks out a short laugh, shaking his head.
“We’ve set her up in one of the empty offices down on the marketing floor. Priestly can have someone show her there when he’s done with the tour.”
“Excellent.” Mr. Westerhaven smiles, nods, and turns to me. “I’m sure you will be comfortable here, Ms. Kasan. And, as ever, let Cathy know if there’s anything specific required during your stay here, and I’m sure we can accommodate you.”
“O-of course, Mr. Westerhaven. Thank you.”
Out of the corner of my eye, David is scowling at his uncle and me, whatever that is about. But he clears his face quickly when Mr. Westerhaven glances in his direction, pressing the intercom button on the phone at his desk.
“Christine, have Gordon Priestly meet us here. He’s going to give Ms. Kasan a tour.”
I smooth my clammy palms over my skirt, looking up when Mr. Westerhaven calls my attention to him. “Cathy will, of course, accompany you on the tour, Ms. Kasan.”
The couch depresses slightly as David retakes the seat beside me and chats with Mr. Westerhaven about a board meeting that is happening this week until there’s a tap on the door.
“Come in,” David calls over the back of the couch. I peek over as the door swings open and a balding man of about fifty enters the room. Both David and Mr. Westerhaven stand, so I also shove to my feet, hurriedly stowing my iPad in my purse.
“David. Mr. Westerhaven, and….” He turns to me with a smile as David’s hand lands on my lower back, guiding me forward until I’m standing in front of the guy.
“Gordon, this is Anica Kasan. Anica is here to overhaul Haven Property’s image, so I’m sure you two will get along like a house on fire. You’ve been complaining about the color of the walls for years. Anica, Gordon Priestly is our head of marketing. He’ll take you on a tour of the offices and make sure you’re settled into your office.”
“Ah, we’ve been excited about the possibility of an office facelift, Ms. Kasan. You will be most welcome down in our section of the building.”
I shake his hand, forcing a smile. I hope that doesn’t mean I won’t be welcome anywhere else. Christine’s reaction to me doesn’t bode well.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kasan.” Mr. Westerhaven offers me his hand, which I shake. Shaking a billionaire’s hand while he addresses me by name. That will never not be surreal.
“Please, Ms. Kasan, after you.” Gordon Priestly gestures for me to precede him out of the office. David nods sharply to me, returning to the couches with Mr. Westerhaven. Okay. Dismissed then. I step out through the frosted glass door Christine is holding open, and relax at the sight of a beaming Cathy, waiting for me. I need a friendly, familiar face right now, and hers is perfect.
Chapter Six
The door closes behind Anica and Gordon Priestly and Uncle Bill retakes his seat on the couch, gesturing for me to follow suit. Obediently, I sit back down, studying him carefully.
“I see you rolled out the red carpet last night.”
I shrug, suddenly feeling defensive. Isn’t that what he wanted me to do? I was playing by the rules.
“It seemed like her first night in New York should be one to remember.”
“And tonight?”
I stare at him, non-plussed. Fuck me. I already have to put up with the woman living in my penthouse. Surely, he doesn’t expect me to chaperone her around every second that she’s in the city as well? That’s a step too fucking far. I have a life, and while Uncle Bill might see fit to mold and shape it, it’s still my life, and he is not my puppet master. Picking up my teacup again, I examine the contents and shrug again, my eyes flickering back up to his face.
“She’s a grown woman. I’m sure she’ll arrange something. I have a date.”