Page 25 of Never Let Me Go
I don’t know about that. This is definitely the best idea that I’ve had in a long time. I’m shocked at how hot that kiss was. My body certainly wants to go after her and finish what we started. Fuck me. I liked that much more than I thought I would. Unfortunately, it looks as though I’m in for another cold shower. That’s disappointing.
Chapter Eleven
Groaning, I force my eyes open, staring at the darkened ceiling. I tossed and turned all night, so I’m feeling completely un-refreshed, and even more confused than when I went to bed last night.
I grab a pillow, pressing over my face and screaming into it. How did I get myself into this mess? I have no idea why David kissed me last night. It came completely out of the blue. Don’t get me wrong, it was just about the hottest kiss that I’ve ever been a part of. It was incredible and beyond anything I would have imagined could happen to me. But confusing as all hell.
Mainly because that blonde bitch last night was right. Men like David don’t look twice at women like me. He must have gotten drunk at the party or something. I mean, he didn’tseemdrunk, but what other explanation could there be for the way he acted. Like he was attracted to me. Like he wanted to take me to bed. My whole body clenches at the thought.
I would have let him. There’s no doubt. If he had picked me up and walked me into his bedroom, I would have been over the moon. And this morning I would be left wondering what the hell either of us was thinking.
I wasn’t kidding last night when I told him it wouldn’t be a good idea. We are sharing a home. We work together. There are so many reasons that it would be a bad idea. He’s kind of my landlord, kind of my host, kind of myboss. Red flag after red flag. He’s arrogant and probably goes through women like Igo through sketching pencils. So many reasons that it wouldn’t work.
And yet… a smile creeps over my lips as I savor the memory of that kiss. Daydreaming about what it would have been like if hehadtaken me into his bedroom. Incredible, no doubt. But no. I can’t even think about that. It’s already going to be so awkward the next time we come face to face. I will blush like anything. I’ll be surprised if I’m able to string two words together without stuttering.
Better get it over with. I huff a sigh, shoving the comforter back and slipping out of bed. There’s no point putting off the inevitable. We’re about to be in the same space all day. There will not be any hiding from the awkwardness. Maybe he won’t remember. Especially if he was drunk. Maybe he won’t mention it. Maybe he’ll make some joke and it will all be okay. Maybe I should stop being such a wimp and go out there and face him.
Pulling on my jeans and a T-shirt, I shove my feet into a pair of well-worn moccasins and head out to the kitchen in search of coffee and to confront my fears.
The place is empty. And silent. I don’t think that he’s here at all. Should I knock on his bedroom door? No. That would be weird. Turning resolutely away, I make some coffee and take my mug up to the rooftop terrace.
My footsteps falter as I reach the small inside landing. What if he’s already up here? So what if he is? There’s no time like the present. Taking a deep breath on the landing at the top of the stairs, I ready myself and step out. To an empty terrace. He’s not here either. He must have gone out for breakfast or something. Well. Thank goodness for small mercies.
Sinking into one of the outdoor couches, I admire the view as I finish my coffee. When I turn to set it on the outdoor coffee table, my eyes land on the hot tub. Hmm. I haven’t used it yet. I haven’t wanted to presume. But if he’s nothere….
Hurrying downstairs, I make myself some toast and get a few sketches done of design ideas, incorporating David’s easy flirtatiousness and smooth manner from the party last night. After saving my new design, I look around the still-empty condo. He still hasn’t either emerged or returned. Screw it. I’m doing it.
Moving back to my bedroom before I lose my courage, I put on my plain red bikini, grab a towel and make my way back upstairs. There is still no sign of David, so my courage is growing. I drop my towel on the wet bar and set the jets going, looking to the view as I wait for it to heat.
Finally, the steam is rising off it, so I drop my fluffy robe – the only thing guarding me against the cool, early spring air, and sink in, sighing blissfully as I relax, the warm water enveloping me. Settling myself into the contoured seat, my eyes find the gorgeous view. This really is the life.
Antonio pulls into the car dealership, parking and holding the door open for me.
“I’ll wait down the street, sir.”
I glance at him in surprise. “I need you with me.”
“Sir?” Antonio is frozen to the spot, still holding the door even though I’m standing beside the hood of the car.
“I need you to pick the best ones.”
“Ones? Multiple?”
“Yeah. I want an SUV and a sedan.”
“Of course, sir.”
Antonio closes the door, trailing me inside. The dealer I spoke with yesterday is waiting in the silent, empty space. They don’t open for another hour, but I rearranged this meeting for early Saturday morning. I was up, and I didn’t want to be in the same building as Anica. After last night, I’m not sure I can trust myself around her. My sex drought is clearly messing with my mind.
“Mr. Brooks Westerhaven. I’m Sean.” I shake his hand, gesturing to Antonio.
“This is Antonio. He’s my driver.”
Antonio starts in surprise but duly shakes Sean’s hand, moving with us further into the dealership, the shiny display cars all around. I know little to nothing about cars, so I’m happy for Antonio to take the lead here. He and Sean both know I want an SUV and a sedan – it’s the reason Sean was so happy to accommodate me this morning. Well, the promise of two sales and the name “Westerhaven.”