Page 32 of Never Let Me Go
I make a sound of disbelief. That’s a challenge I can’t turn down. I take her purse, heels, and coat off her. “Lead the way.”
Her grin widens, and she sets off up all 1,576 steps to the top.
Chapter Fourteen
We make it to the top in good time. Though I had to remove my jacket at some point. Ani’s a little out of breath, but when we stop on the final landing and I hand her shoes back, she holds my arm for balance and slips them back on. Does nothing phase this woman? She throws me another grin, shrugging on her coat, slinging her purse over her arm, and moving out onto the viewing platform.
Ani’s breath catches in her throat, and she grips at my arm. Glancing at her face, I hide my smirk. She’s all cutely wide-eyed again.
“This isamazing,” she gasps softly, moving closer to the edge to get a better look at the view. I follow her, my eyebrows shooting up as she whips her phone out and starts taking pictures.
“Thiswould be worth starting an Instagram for,” she breathes. I bite the inside of my cheek to stifle my chuckle. She wouldn’t appreciate me laughing. My hand lands on her lower back, stroking lightly as I guide her to the next viewing platform. When we get to the last platform, Ani is shuffling from foot to foot, like she needs to use the restroom or something.
I open my mouth to ask her if she’s okay, but she cuts me off. Her face is flame red, and she can’t quite meet my eyes.
“Would you take my picture?” she mumbles, fidgeting with her phone. This time, I don’t bother to hide my grin.
“Of course.”
I reach for her phone. Ani beams up at me, her finger releasing the phone, and she bounds over to the edge, turning around and flashing her brightest, widest smile. I snap several pictures, crossing to her. Ani reaches for the phone, but I don’t know what comes over me, I hold it out of her reach, smirking down at her.
“Uh, uh, uh,” I chide her, and she blinks up at me, adorably confused. “Selfie time!”
I have never taken a selfie in my life, but I’m taking one now. Ignoring Ani’s look of complete shock, I turn, sliding my arm around her and tugging her tightly to my side. I grin up at the camera as I take a selfie of us. Thankfully, Ani remembers to smile at the last minute.
It’s a pretty cute picture. I text it to myself, and hand her phone back. Now she can’t delete it and I can prove that I did something nice for no reason at all.
My hand lands on Ani’s back as I lead her to the exit. “Are we walking back down?”
Ani grins up at me. “No. I’ll take pity on you, and we can take the elevator.” Ha. Taking pity on me. She’s taking pity on her own feet.
“So generous,” I drawl, steering her firmly toward the line.
When we finally get to the bottom, Antonio is waiting for us. We slide in, but when we don’t turn to head back to the office, Ani glances over at me, curiosity written all over her face.
“Where are we going?”
I pull my phone out of my pocket so I can check my work emails. There’s a few that I will need to look into after lunch, but most of them can wait until tomorrow. One pops up as I’m reading them, from Uncle Bill. Shit.
FROM: [email protected]
You’re not in the office. Where are you?
Crap. I quickly reply, attaching the selfie of Ani and I at the top of the Empire State Building.
FROM: [email protected]
Subject: RE: