Page 36 of Never Let Me Go
Oh, yeah. I recall him mentioning lacrosse on our first ill-fated “get to know David” attempt.
“So, running, lacrosse….” I raise my eyebrows at him. “What other childhood hobbies did you have?”
David lifts his baseball cap, scratching the back of his head, screwing up his nose like he’s thinking about the question. He sets the cap back on his head, his arms swinging as we walk.
“The usual stuff, I guess.” His eyes dart over to where I’m staring expectantly at him. “What?”
I bet that came out a little more defensively than he intended. I shrug. “I think ‘the usual’ for you means something different than it would for me.”
The slightest pink tinge colors David’s cheeks. Shit, I didn’t mean to sound condescending. “I mean, ‘the usual’ for me was window shopping at the mall with my girlfriends, seeing a movie once a month. That kind of stuff.”
David nods slowly, blowing out a breath. “Skiing. We used to all go to Aspen once a year, and also either Japan or Switzerland for the skiing.”
Yep – that’s what I meant. So not “the usual stuff” I was thinking of.
“Yachting.” He winces as the word comes out of his mouth. I bite the inside of my lower lip to stop myself from smiling.
“Scuba diving. Dad used to take us golfing sometimes.”
You know, I always knew we hadverydifferent upbringings. It’s interesting to hear it laid bare. David falls silent as I watch him, and he looks a little uncomfortable. I decide to put him out of his misery and offer him a grin.
“And now?”
David glances over at me, blinking in surprise. “Now?”
“What are your hobbies now that you’re all grown up?”
It’s probably a waste of time. He’ll say that he still does some of those things from when he’s younger. David grins easily.
“Expensive whiskey and smoking hot women,” he replies promptly, with a naughty grin. Oh. Of course. Of course, those would be his hobbies. My heart clenches in my chest as I force a laugh.
“Noted.” I’m so proud that my tone sounds dry, even though his offhand comment cut through me. I definitely don’t fit that description. Which confirms what I suspected. I’m convenient, and in his space. That’s why he’s sleeping with me. I mean, I already figured that was the case, but it hurts to have it stated so clearly.
Fuck. I could kick myself. What the fuck was I thinking? I clearlywasn’tthinking. The comment was out of my mouth before I even knew what I was going to say, and I would give anything to take it back. She laughed, but I’m pretty sure it was forced. Ani makes a few other comments, half-hearted attempts to keep the conversation going, but I think my “smoking hot women” comment caught her off-guard. What a fucking idiotic thing to say when I’m sleeping with Ani. Timmy would be smacking me upside the head for that kind of remark.
We walk in silence for a while and I take the opportunity while Ani is busy trying to look everywhere but at me, to study her. She’s dressed in blue tennis shoes, gray ankle length yogapants and a loose red sweatshirt. Her hair is pulled back into a sleek ponytail, and she’s not wearing a single bit of makeup. I can’t think of another woman of my acquaintance who would leave home looking like this, even for a walk through Central Park – except Angie, my sister-in-law.
Ani tips her head back, looking up at the trees above us, and a shaft of sunlight lights up her face and her hair. When it’s in direct sunlight, her brown hair has the faintest hint of red through it. My fingers flex with the desire to reach over and run them through her hair, examining the red thread in more detail. I hold back. I don’t think that Ani would appreciate it. Especially not after my earlier comment.
I honestly meant nothing by it. It was a bit of a running joke between me and the other boys. But Ani wouldn’t know that. I can’t even defend myself without bringing up the fact that I can tell it made her uncomfortable because I’m sleeping with her and well… Ani’s not what your mind typically goes to when you’re talking about “smoking hot women”.
Fuck. I’m glad that this monologue is happening in my head and not out loud. She’d slap me and leave. And rightfully so. I run my eyes over her face and form again. What the hell am I even thinking. Aniishot. She gets my engine running, so I guess these days my hobbies kind of include expensive whiskey and Ani.
The second we’re back at my place, Ani scampers off, and I can hear the shower running. I head to my bedroom, quickly showering and settling myself in front of the TV to catch a re-run of the game last night. I hear Ani emerge, but she doesn’t speak to me, and her footsteps disappear. She must have gone upstairs.I should probably give her some space. I don’t think that I’m her favorite person right now.
Eventually the game ends and I toy with the remote, flicking through the channels. But I can’t focus on anything and click the TV off, tossing the remote aside. My feet make their way upstairs. When I step out onto the rooftop terrace, Ani is standing between the hot-tub and the outdoor lounge area. She’s leaning against the railing, looking out over the park. She doesn’t indicate that she heard me step outside, and when I stride over to her, she still doesn’t move to acknowledge that I’m here. She’s changed out of her workout clothes, wearing a floaty skirt and a blouse, with her feet stuffed into those god-ugly moccasins that she seems to love so much. I like this outfit. It suits her.
Stepping up behind her, I pin her in position with my hips and slide my hands up her thighs, underneath her skirt. Ani starts in surprise, so I guess she didn’t hear me come out here. Her breath catches as my fingertips trail higher.
“Enjoying the view?” I murmur into her ear, my lips brushing against the outer shell.
“Yes,” Ani breathes back, and my dick hardens almost painfully. My fingers brush her panties, but Ani doesn’t move, still watching the park, though her breathing is slightly labored. When my fingers creep around the fabric of her panties, her legs twitch, moving a little wider. I grin into her hair as I part her folds, circling her clit. That’s more like it. A small whimper escapes her throat, and she squirms slightly, gasping as two of my fingers enter her.
I’m not worried about anyone seeing us up here. We’re too high from the ground, and the only other place with a close view is the other penthouse, but they can’t see us through the high center fence.
“Tell me what you can see?” I slide my lips along her ear, moving them down to her neck, pressing kisses as my fingers pump slowly in and out of her.