Page 20 of A Snake By Name
"Come for me," I growl.
I'll allow it because I'm ready for my own release. She screams, and I roar. It’s blinding, the pleasure, but not as good as it will feel to dump my eggs into her.
One day, I’ll know that kind of release.
Our bodies collide together as we reach our orgasms at the same time.
Only then do I release her.
As I’m heading to my shift, I find myself running my hands through my hair, straightening out my clothing, and caring more about the way I look than I ever have before. To say things have changed since I had sex with Lasta is an understatement.
“This is ridiculous,” I mutter to myself as I reposition my hair for the millionth time.
I don’t know why I care about the way I appear. It’s not like he hasn’t already seen all of me. Even still, I can’t help my nerves. This is all new to me, and I have no idea what to do next.
It’s not like what happened the other night can ever happen again. Lasta is the captain of the royal guard, and sooner or later he’s going to move on. Who knows what he might do to me when he decides I’m not useful anymore?
Then again, the way he is with me is so unlike the way he is with anyone else, the wayanynaga has ever been with me. Maybe this is different.
As I near the forge my stomach twists up, and I almost feel sick to my stomach from nerves. A part of me is wondering if all of this was a mistake because I fear that someone like Lasta willswallow me whole. Consume me. And that same part of me finds that exhilarating. Comforting.
It might be nice to let someone like Lasta take over my life so I don’t have to.
That thought sounds especially nice when I pass by the sparring ring to see Lasta with another naga, running through their daily workouts. His scales gleam in the sun and all I can think about is how much I want to run my hands over them, to touch every single one of them.
It’s this thought that makes me realize what I’m doing. I’m standing against a pillar, gawking at Lasta like an idiot. But just as I’m about to run off before he can see me, he whips his head around and stares directly at me.
His eyes pierce mine and all thoughts of leaving are gone from my head. It’s like I’m in a trance, and Lasta knows this. He smirks before returning his attention to the blow that his sparring partner is about to land on him. Of course, he blocks this attack and manages to get the other guy pinned beneath his boot on the ground.
“Pathetic,” a human girl scoffs, looking at me with disgust.
My eyes widen as I realize once more that I’m just publicly gawking at these naga. I don’t blame the girl for her reaction. I would’ve done the same in her position.
When I look back at Lasta, it’s obvious he just witnessed the entire thing. I can see his nostrils flaring from here as he narrows his slitted eyes in the direction the human girl went. His eyes return back to me with a fierceness I haven’t yet seen from him.
It scares yet fascinates me that I bring these emotions out of him. And yet, I cannot let him act on those emotions.
I subtly shake my head at him, to which he responds by narrowing his eyes again, this time at me. Shaking my head oncemore, I finally turn and continue my way to the forge. Which is where I should have been ten minutes ago.
“Fuck,” I mutter.
When I arrive, the naga on duty gives me a look that promises trouble.
“You’re late, human. I don’t tolerate humans being late on my watch.”
“Well, then it’s a good thing you’re not on watch anymore.” To my great horror, Lasta’s voice sounds from behind me. “I’m taking over now.”
How the fuck did he get here so fast? Has he been following me since I left him at the sparring ring?
The guard grumbles something under his breath as he walks away, and Lasta swiftly grabs him and tosses him into the nearest wall.
“What did you just say about the captain of the royal guard?” Lasta growls.
“N-nothing, sir,” the naga on the ground stumbles over his words. So much for being a big tough guy two seconds ago.