Page 32 of A Snake By Name
“Why, are you considering a naga suitor?” Lorelai asks. Before I can answer, Aurora cuts in.
“To answer your question, yes it was. Probably even more so for Lorelai, as her hatred for them was greater than my own. In fact, she planned to assassinate my mate at one point.”
“What stopped you?” I ask Lorelai.
“Well, it took me a while, but I realized that not all naga are bad. Yes, some naga are good, while others are absolutely horrid. But humans can be that way, too. Every race can. It doesn’t mean all are bad, even if the majority are. I know that my mate is good and pure and that he wishes no harm on any human. Can you say the same about your naga man?” she asks me.
I’m not sure how to answer her.
“Lorelai, she never said she was in a relationship with a naga. You’re going to scare this poor girl away from us.”
“Her questions point in an obvious direction. Well, are you?” she asks me.
“Um… kind of. I’m not really sure what to call it at this point.”
Both of them nod like they understand.
“He’s… different around me than with other people. He isn’t exactly nice to humans, but then again, I’ve never seen him outright abuse one.”
“Maybe you should make sure of his stance on humans before you let it go any further. But then again, if he is in a relationship with you, then I’m sure he doesn’t share the hatred for humans that most naga have. I’ve found that the naga who despise humans don’t even look our way. Or when they do, it’s not for anything good. If he treats you well, then I’m sure he doesn’t hate our kind,” Aurora states.
“I agree,” Lorelai starts. “Is it anyone we know?”
I’m not entirely sure why, but I feel like I can trust these women. Both of them have gone through similar situations and I don’t feel judged by them in any way.
“Actually… he’s the captain of the royal guard.”
“Lasta? No way!” Aurora exclaims.
“Wow, I’m not surprised, but at the same time I am.”
“Do you guys know him?”
“Not very well, it would seem. Then again, Lasta is far from an open book with anyone really. He has always been civil to me, and I never felt like he looked down on me for my relationship with the Prince.”
“How serious is it with you two?” Lorelai asks.
“I mean, it hasn’t been going on that long, but it feels pretty serious. Things are… intense between us.” I decide to just leave it at that, not sure if they’d understand our bedroom games. Intense feels like a good enough word, but still subtle.
“I’m not going to lie, Lasta does seem the type.” Aurora giggles.
Lorelai chuckles along with her, nodding her head. “So why the hesitation?”
“It’s not like human and naga relationships aren’t taboo. I mean, you two being mated to certainly helps, but both human and naga are still opposed to the idea. I’m scared of what others might say if I openly started dating him, even despite your example. And I’m sure that thought crosses his mind, too, with other naga. I’m just not sure if it’s a good idea for us to take this any further. I mean, I’ve heard the rumors about how much conflict this is stirring up already. Maybe it should just stay casual.”
The two of them are silent for a moment before Lorelai speaks up.
“I completely understand your dilemma. You should have seen me before I committed to Slyth. But at some point, you have to put yourself first. In this life, in this world we live in, it’s important to prioritize your own happiness. If you think a life with Lasta is what you need, then you shouldn’t hesitate.”
“I agree. If you know in your heart that he’s the one for you, or that he might be, then don’t let him pass you by. You may never find that feeling with someone else again.”
“And if a warisapproaching, then now is probably the time to act before you no longer can. You know… if it comes down to that.”
I nod, giving both of their words some thought.
“Don’t be ashamed of your feelings for him,” Lorelai says, eyeing me. “Trust me, I spent some time feeling like that, and I wish I could have that time back. There is nothing wrong with feeling this way for him as long as he is worth it. If he treats you with kindness, you really only have to answer for yourself.”