Page 55 of A Snake By Name
I turn around to greet her. “They’re more hyper today.”
“You can give them time out if you get overwhelmed,” she says, approaching us.
“I tried just a few seconds ago, and these three cried,” I say, pointing to the instigators.
Lorelai chuckles. “They’re going to get spoiled like that.”
“I’ll take the blame for it.” I get up, at least I try to.
Lorelai helps my to my feet without having the kids climb again. I think they’re a little wary of her since she’s more strict with them. She shoots them a frown, and they quickly circle around me, one even hiding under my skirt.
“The Princess just left but she’ll be back soon,” I say.
Lorelai stares at me for a moment and looks towards the direction she came from. She leans closer to me, lowering her voice. “Listen, I came here becausesomebodywants to talk to you.”
I jerk my head back. “To me? Who?” I try to look over behind her, but she quickly grabs my arm.
“Don’t look yet. I’m making it look like I’m giving you information for the change of guards. Once you see who’s behind me, I want you to act in an understanding manner? Okay?”
My heart races, already guessing who it might be. I swallow hard and slowly nod my head, waiting for her to walk away. Once she does, I’m overwhelmed with a current of emotions.
Lasta stands tall, his golden orbs striking through me. He wears the same expression as when he’s on duty.
“Miss Krista, are you okay with Captain Lasta being your guard for a moment while waiting for Her Highness to return?” Lorelai asks quite loudly.
I glance at him then back at her. “Yes… that’s fine,” I say, suppressing a smile.
She nods and gestures for Lasta to come closer. She gives a little bow and walks off, joining her own mate who waits at the staircase.
The closer Lasta gets, the more I’m sure my heart will burst. I feel the children trembling by my legs, and I suddenly remembermy post. I snap away from my daze and turn my attention towards them.
“It’s okay, little ones. I’m here. Why don’t you go play with your toys while I speak with Captain Lasta?”
They hesitate for a moment, but just one look at Lasta again and they go off running, or more accurately, waddling. Now, we’re left alone. I can’t calm my beating heart so I avoid looking at him, keeping my eyes on the babies.
“Caring for children comes naturally to you,” he says.
I clear my throat. “Thank you, Captain Lasta.”
“Don’t call me that, please. I know things between us can’t go the way we want, but I won’t stand for you to refer to me as if I’m just anybody.”
His gruff voice softens towards the end, as if it physically hurt him. I can’t lie and say I’m not somewhat happy about it. I even forced myself to call him formally. I didn’t want my happiness at seeing him to be so obvious.
Maybe he’s changed his mind about things. That’s why he came to see me out in the open. There shouldn't be another reason for it, right?
“How is work going for you?” I ask.
“So far, nothing concerning has come up. At least not yet. Selliss has been quite wary of me, and some soldiers have noticed considering he’s one of my most dedicated soldiers,” he explains.
“I see. So it looks like you have everything under control then?” I ask, prying for the answer I’m looking for.
He looks over at me, his expression grave and serious.
“It doesn’t mean things can go back to how they were between us. There can only be friendship, Krista.”
I look down at my feet, swallowing my tears and clutching my skirt. After schooling my features, I stare off towardsthe direction of the children. They’re wrestling one another, completely unaware of what’s going on here.
“Friends,” I utter, mulling over his words that burn more than hot coal.