Page 58 of A Snake By Name
“I do not need to hear what goes on in your bedroom.”
He chuckles. “What can I help you with? Does it have to do with the newest royal nanny?”
“How did you know I was going to ask about that?”
“Lorelai told me everything. I’m not supposed to be telling you, but I’ve noticed certain things going on amongst the troops.”
I frown. “Like what?”
“Rumors that you have a human mate. Complaints. That’s basically the gist of it. But because you’re here, there’s more to it, right?”
I nod. “Unfortunately. It turns out one of my best soldiers is prejudiced against human-naga mating. He had the audacity to confront me about my involvement with Krista.”
“And which soldier is that?”
He winces. “That’s an unfortunate man to not have on your side.”
“And now you see my dilemma. If he’s so upset with my involvement with Krista, I’m afraid it wouldn’t take long to spread to the other soldiers. You know not everyone is quite on board, despite the changes in Lodra. If he makes the men lose their trust in me, it could affect us allifwe do end up going to war.”
“Why didn’t you come to me for help sooner? This wouldn’t have been a problem by now. We’re not going to let your Lieutenant run your life.”
“Well, I’m here now, and I need your help solving the issue,” I say.
“I’ll gladly help you, but I first need to know what exactly it is that you want.”
I clench my jaw, glowering at his smirk. He knows exactly what I want but wants me to admit it out loud. He only looks more smug the longer I take to answer.
“You can be so irritating sometimes.”
“Come on, it’s not that hard to say, Captain,” he teases.
“Fine. I want you to help me somehow get rid of Selliss so I can be with Krista without him stirring everyone up.”
“Because I love her! Because I’m not willing to walk away from her. Happy now?” I snap at him.
“It’s the first time I’ve ever seen you flustered. You can finally know what it feels like.”
I gag. “I’m not like you. Stop telling me about your mating life and help me with this.”
“Yes, yes, let me just organize all this mess, and we can come up with a plan.”
His way of organizing his office is to pile all the paper in a neat stack and hide everything else in a drawer or cabinet. He locks the door to his office to make sure no one will bother us. I feel weight lift from my shoulders, knowing I can trust Slyth to help me solve everything.
Slyth sits down at his chair, and I stand over the desk. Then, he rummages through a drawer that’s filled to the brim with papers. He takes out a few pages lined with string and places it in front of him.
“Why are you taking out Selliss’ information?”
“Every time there’s a need to release soldiers I have to make a record of where they’re being sent. It looks like he was in the frontlines in the previous skirmish and the one before that.”
“Like I said, he’s one of my best soldiers,” I remark resentfully.
“Right, and after he confronted you about Krista, has he been acting a certain way with you? Any changes in training or routine?”
“He’s been acting the same with the others but quite offstandish with me. Recently, I haven’t seen him during training sessions.”