Page 63 of A Snake By Name
“Sit down,” I order her, and she obeys easily.
Our relationship has changed a lot in the weeks that have passed. I have spent most of my time trying to fix what I broke, and Krista has spent a lot of time growing into herself.
Her nature, at its core, is still submissive and obedient, and she follows my orders without failure.
But we have both grown to learn how important her opinion is and how much she contributes to our relationship, even if I am in control.
“I got all your favorite foods,” I tell her as I place bowls of food on the table.
“Thank you. And you couldn’t have chosen a better spot. This place is beautiful.”
“All of Lodra is beautiful,” I tell her with a laugh. But Krista is right. We are in an extremely beautiful place. It is close to theborder between Lodra and Kario, and the lush scenery stretches on for miles.
“I know,” she says with a wry smile on her face. “Thank you for all of this. I really love that you went to all this effort.”
“You deserve it,” I tell her earnestly. She nods, and I am glad because it means she finally believes that she does deserve everything I can give her.
Kristaand I oversleep the day after our picnic in the wilds of Lodra. When I wake up, she is pressed so tightly against me that for a second, I cannot tell scale from skin.
Her breathing is steady and deep as I slip out of bed.
Krista is awake when I have finished my morning ablutions and have prepared for the day.
“Get dressed.”
She smiles, brightening at the command.
“We’re going out again today.”
She follows my orders and pulls on the dress that I picked out for her.
“Where are we going?” she asks me.
“Today,” I tell her, and my heart thuds in my chest. “Today we’re going into town.”
Her face goes pale as she realizes what I am saying.
“You can’t be serious?” she asks me and backs away slightly.
“Both Zalith and Slyth have taken their mates into town. We need to show the rest of the naga in Lodra that this is normal. That this is accepted. And I know you’re afraid, but this isn’t a request, this is an order.”
Her face tightens and her lips press into a thin line, but she nods.
We take another carriage into town this time, and Krista’s fear is palpable all the way there.
But then I take her hand in mine, and she grips it. I stroke the back of her hand with my thumb, to give her some reassurance, and she smiles uncertainly at me.
Walking through town, hand-in-hand with a human, is definitely not a good experience at first. My people aren’t a very liberal, or accepting, species.
Krista practically clings to me and keeps her head down until I stop her.
“Look at me.” I tilt her chin up so that we’re face to face.
“Now is not the time to give up control. You can give up control around me. You can let go when I tell you to. But now you need to be strong. If we can’t get through this, then we cannot get through anything.”
“Okay,” she whispers, and I let go of her face.
Krista keeps her head up all the way to the restaurant, where we are served somewhat reluctantly.