Page 193 of The Redheads
Plus, I hated sex…not that I would admit that to Michael in a million years. Of course, Michael’s hands distracted me as he skillfully handled the wheel.They might not make me want to shove them off me, if he…
No.If Michael ever liked any of my sisters, it would probably be Hope. Layla was too in the spotlight, but Hope was loaded with confidence and gorgeous to boot.
I didn’t like the thought at all.
“Well, don’t date anyone boring. That won’t get better with time.”
I grinned. “No, it won’t. Of course, the problem could be me. I might be boring.”
“No way.” He shook his head. “I refuse to believe that. Not possible.”
“Thank you.” A thought dawned on me. My sisters hadn’t texted that they were on their way. “What time are my sisters arriving? Or are they here already?”
He lifted his eyebrows. “I think he only summoned you, Bridget.”
“Well, that can’t be good. I’m doing well in school. I have straight As. I didn’t do anything embarrassing, so I can’t imagine what I might’ve done. I mean, I’m not going to date the Kits of the world, if that’s what he wants. He’ll just have to find another way to love me.”
Had I just said that aloud?Ooph.I wasn’t being cool.Damn it.
“I’m sure you’ve done nothing bad, and as for a father loving his children…whatever way he does that, you’d know better than most when it comes to your dad. I think out of everyone in his life, he respects you the most.”
If that were the case, I was in big trouble.
We arrivedat the boat just in time, because my father was impatient to get it going. Michael boarded with us, and I stepped into what had always been the room my sisters and I shared when we were invited to join him on excursions—which arguably wasn’t very often.
I closed the door, trying to find strength in the silence.
Everyone was up on deck, and I was in the room alone. All day, I’d been on edge, my nerves snapping with tension. All day, I thought about Michael’s hands on me. I had to do something about this energy or it was going to explode. I couldn’t deal with whatever was about to happen like this.
I walked into the bathroom and closed another door. I didn’t want to be heard, not that it would matter. I never orgasmed. Still, I pulled down my pants and undies and leaned against the wall of the bathroom. The slight rocking of the docked boat momentarily distracted me but not for long. I pressed my finger against my clit.
With steady hands despite the jolting of the boat, I touched my clit. I usually got bored when men did it, because it took so long, and they didn’t get the rhythm right.I might just be a little bossy.But even when I did it myself and managed to get close to coming, it was a hollow experience. Still, right then, I pictured his hands. They’d been on the steering wheel or gesturing when he spoke. He changed the radio with them. Sometimes he touched the small of my back.
I bet they were callused enough that, when he stroked me, I would quiver beneath the scrape of his touch. I could practically feel what it would be like, and I remembered his lips on the soda.Soon, I panted with need. His dark eyes would stare into mine, and he’d be indulgent and not hurried.
Michael would sayit takes as long as it takes, Bridget. Don’t hurry it. There’s no rush. But it wouldn’t take me very long, because he was so hot and experienced. Pleasure crashed through me, liquid heat rushing through me, and my knees nearly buckled. I let go as my clit throbbed and pulsed in release. Panting was the only way I could breathe.Wow. That was incredible. But, still, as I shivered, my head thrown back against the wall, it wasn’t enough. His arms weren’t around me as he cooed nice things in my ear. I couldn’t smell him, couldn’t hear the intake of his breath.
It was better than usual but not what I needed. Not what I wanted.
I caught my breath, washed up, and dressed in something appropriate for yacht time with my dad. Fortunately, I had something suitable in my trunk, which I’d packed for school. My blue collared t-shirt and the khaki skirt that fell just below my knees worked well enough. I slipped on a pair of beige slides and headed upstairs.
Some women wore bikinis on yachts, but I probably looked like I just stepped out of a casual women’s catalog. Of course, I only knew about fashion because of Layla and her interest. My hair would have to be okay, since I had no idea what to do with it. Long and almost to my rear—it hung where it had been for years. I made my way on deck to find my father, Michael, who looked out over the docks below, and three men I didn’t know. They all turned to look at me and I managed not to wilt under the attention.
“Bridget. Oh good.” My father nodded upward, to where the captain and crew probably waited for his indication to pull out into the water. Sure enough, the deck started to vibrate beneath my feet as we headed out to sea. It took me a second, but Irecognized one of the men with my dad was the father of Layla’s boyfriend Kit . The other two? I didn’t know them at all.
My dad introduced me to them, but as much as I might try to remember their names, I sucked with names, particularly when I was nervous. Not that I could tell them that, despite the fact my heart raced in my chest. I don’t like this.It was weird. Other than Kit’s dad, whose last name was Allard, the other two had Russian names.
“This is Bridget. She’s one of my triplets.” My dad gave them a fake smile, one way too jovial for introductions, and he didn’t have a bubbly personality. “She’s the only smart one of the bunch, but she’s got an incredible intellect, and she’s good at this. The best, really.”
I blinked. What did he even mean? I didn’t have a clue what was going on, but I wouldn’t stand by while he insulted my sisters. Not at all. “That’s hardly true. Layla and Hope are both geniuses, far smarter than me, hands down.” If he wanted proof, I could start listing all the ways. Goosebumps broke out on my arms as the men around me laughed.
“I know Layla pretty well,” Allard grinned. “I’ll take your brains any day of the week, but she does know how to dress, and she looks good in photos. Layla has her role, and I don’t know Hope at all.”
One of the Russians outright cackled. “I’ll take Hope any day of the week.”
“Excuse me?” I raised my voice. “Those are my sisters you’re talking about. And…”
My father waved his hand. “It’s a triplet thing. Okay, not-smart one, come over here and see what I brought you here to see.”