Page 41 of The Redheads
The crowd in the hallway had doubled, too. Women whispered and some tried to grab me. I dodged and weaved until a tall man with blond hair stood right in front of me. “Hi,” he said in English and sounded American. He didn’t have any discernible accent to me at all, but I was sure people from other countries would think that he did.
I looked up to meet his blue eyes, which were red-rimmed. I knew the look well because I’d just left someone with similarly rimmed eyes at the altar. This guy was on something, and I really wasn’t in the mood. “Hi.”
Having said that, I intended to move around him, but he didn’t budge. In fact, he grabbed on to my arms. “I heard you were here. I know your brother. We went to school together. Well, for a year before you guys moved out of San Francisco. How is he?”
“Fine. I’ll tell him you said hi.” Not that I’d taken his name or was in any way going to speak to Justin anytime soon, but maybe he wouldn’t notice.
“What’s your hurry? Let’s dance. And then you can tell me all about Justin and what that—”
“Sorry.” Zeke’s arm was suddenly around me. I hadn’t even seen him come up, let alone get close enough to me to put his arm around my waist, but I was grateful for it just the same.I sighed. His presence was…comforting. “She only dances with me.”
With that statement, he moved his arm from my waist to my hand, wrapped our fingers together, and tugged me with him so that no one in the club was getting near me anytime soon. I expected him to take me back to Luc and our seats, but instead, we were on the dance floor.
The strobe lights burned but only for a second before I forgot they were happening at all. I didn’t see Luc anywhere, and Zeke’s hold on me was intense as we moved to the music. I was no kind of dancer, but I didn’t care. He was holding me like he owned me.
And he could actually dance. His muscles were hard under my hands, and I held on to him like the lifeline he had suddenly become. Dancing was a prequel, an invitation to check out how the person you were with moved in intimate ways. My body buzzed being this close to his in a way that was different than it had been on his motorcycle. My breasts ached and pushed against his chest.
Was this real? Or was he posing for some cameras somewhere? I didn’t care. I’d pretend this was real. If it were all fake, that would just make for a better screenshot later. I threw myself into the moment. The beat. The way that the crowd was around us, all of them lost in whatever they were doing at that very second. Nothing existed except right fucking then.
His mouth came down on mine. Like before, I hadn’t known he was going to kiss me, but I didn’t mind it in the least. This time, I kissed him back. It was hard to chase where he led. He kissed differently than I’d ever been before. We weren’t doing this together; it felt more like he claimed me, and I was to come along into his passion because he demanded it. I loved the sensation.
Finally, he pulled back and stared down at me, his hand coming to pinch the tip of my chin. Bending over, he whispershouted in my ear to make himself heard over the bass of the music. Or maybe it was the pounding of my heart. “You vanished into that bathroom for a fucking hour.” Had it been that long? “I might have thought something happened to you if I hadn’t heard the whole place start to buzz about how you were helping some girl in the bathroom. Don’t do that again.”
I lifted my chin, which made him move his fingers. “Did you kiss me as some sort of punishment?”
“I kissed you because I wanted to. I always do what I want.” He bit my earlobe, and I yelped but not in pain. No, I was absolutely stunned by the way my knees threatened to give out and pleasure surged right to my core. I’d had no idea I would have liked that, but I really, really did.
He smiled. I couldn’t see it, but somehow, I could feel it. I knew deep in my soul that in that moment, he was absolutely grinning against my ear. His own breath hitched. “And you don’t feel punished right now. Come on. Fun’s over. Let’s go home.”
I had to think. My mind whirled, and it was like I was in a fog I couldn’t clear. “What about Luc?”
“I sent him off with a hooker half an hour ago.”
Well…that was one way to show the man a good time.
Back at his monstrous house, the kiss and the bite might as well have never happened. Zeke’s stiff-backed reserved presence returned. My stomach grumbled. I’d never eaten the food. It was really amazing. Most of the time, I wasn’t even aware when I was hungry, but since he’d started insisting on my eating, it was as though my hunger instinct returned in a major way.
He nodded at the guard, who was a different person than the one I’d seen the other times we’d come and gone, and entered the house. Without turning to me, Zeke strode to the kitchen. “You’re hungry.”
Yep…he’d heard my stomach rumble. “I am.”
He flung open the fridge. “Usually Carlos leaves me something to eat. Apparently not tonight.”
“That’s fine.” I walked past him. “I’ll make us something to eat.”
Zeke jolted, turning to look at me. “You can cook?” “Not like your chef, but I can put something together. How about comfort food? Hmm?” I took his place by the fridge. Yes, it was fully stocked. I wasn’t going to have to try hard to make this happen. “Go sit down.”
He pulled out a chair at the counter and did as I asked. “I wouldn’t have thought of you as being able to cook.”
“Again, don’t get your hopes up for some kind of gourmet thing here. I am going to grill some chicken and cook up some vegetables. Most of the time, I prefer to eat at home. Easier to control the caloric intake. Speaking of which, do you think we could get me a scale?”
He was quiet for a moment. “No, you can use the one in my bathroom if you want one. I’m not giving you your own scale.”
Was he serious? I’d no sooner placed the chicken on the pan to quickly grill it on the stovetop when he made that announcement. I looked over my shoulder at him. “Why not?”
“Because I like you eating three times a day, and I have a very good idea that it’s going to stop if I give you too much access to a scale. So, you can use mine. I’ll keep an eye on it.”
I groaned. “Do I have enough money in my account to buy my own fucking scale?”