Page 60 of The Redheads
“Maybe I should have, but not after the end of this week or before. The lawyers have gotten busy separating us.”
This was an abrupt change in conversation from the one we’d been having, and he seemed rather joyful for a person who had been at serious risk and absolutely not known it. “I’ll text my sisters to quit. They need to do that before the shit hits the fan.”
“Good idea.” He kissed me again. “Good morning, Layla.”
“Good morning, Zeke.”
I leaned over to take a forkful of my eggs. They really were delicious. I smiled at him. It was a little awkward being on thecounter while he stood right up against me. But there was also an ease to this that I’d feared wouldn’t be there.
I’d had sex with Zeke Scott. I knew it. I mean, I’d done it; I’d been there and actively participated, but it dawned on me in this strange sort of otherly way that it had actually happened. I’d wanted that since I’d wanted sex, and it had happened.
“I like your smile, whatever you’re thinking, it’s crazy sexy.”
I shrugged. My thoughts would remain my own.
He could try to guess what they were. For now, I liked him not knowing.
The shower was warm, and I let myself close my eyes to breathe in the steam and the heat off the tiles. Zeke’s decorator did a terrible job downstairs, but the upstairs bathrooms were perfection. I’d never been in a shower I liked more. It was the perfect size, had a place to sit down so I could touch up the shaving on my legs, and multiple jets so it was practically like being in a massage chamber of some kind.
What was Zeke’s bathroom like?
I needed to go in there to weigh myself soon. I kept forgetting. And then I’d take a sneak peek at the shower.
The door to the bathroom opened and closed, and I quickly hid the smirk that hit my face. It was sort of nice— well, nothing sort of about it—that he couldn’t stay away from me this morning. Or maybe he was like this with all his women. Four days of intense attention that left them thinking the wrong things when he was done. That thought brought on a frown I couldn’t hide.
He was shirtless when he opened my door. “Want company?”
That was the thing about Zeke, he always offered me the chance to say no. I had no intention of doing so, but I appreciated the option. Of course, since he was literally a salesman who got companies and families to part with a lot of money, that might have been a sales tactic.
In any case, it worked on me. “If you don’t mind smelling like my shampoo.”
He pulled off his pants, which were basically pajama bottoms, and stepped into the shower. He was already hard, his cock very erect.
“You’re staring at my cock, Layla.”
“You’re naked in my shower, Ezekiel.”
He grinned and tugged me toward him, getting wet under the spray with me when he did. “I can’t seem to concentrate today. Can’t get you out of my head.”
“We’ve only been up a little bit. Maybe you’re not trying very hard.” I lifted an eyebrow. Yes, I was being a brat. That was okay. He deserved it. All the space he was taking up in my head being so confusing.
Zeke kissed me, a gentle caress, in stark contrast to the fact that he held me tightly like he wanted to control me. But his actions didn’t follow the stance. Maybe he was just worried I was going to fall over in the shower. It was wet, after all.
I kissed him back. Amazing how easily we had fallen into this together. Yesterday, I would have balked at the idea that we could so casually be naked in the shower together. Now, it was like an exciting but perfectly acceptable thing we were doing together.
He pulled back to grab the soap. “Are you clean everywhere? Should I check?”
I grinned. “Maybe you’d better check.”
“That’s what I thought.” He rubbed the soap into his hand and then proceeded to soap me up everywhere, stopping to rinse me off periodically. I grabbed some and did the same to him. This was a chance to really feel Zeke and not have to worry that I was crossing some line. We were playing at this, and I was going to enjoy the moments.
When he would have touched my pussy, I stopped him. “Not with that soap. That won’t feel good.”
He nodded. “I had no idea. Makes sense. What do you use instead?”
I grabbed a bottle and handed it to him. “That’s safe.”
“Got it.” He squeezed some in his hand and washed me. I’d never had anyone do this before, and it should be awkward. But it wasn’t. When he finished, he turned the water toward me to make sure that I was rinsed off before he placed his finger back inside of me.