Page 14 of The Allure of You
He doesn’t linger, disappearing out of the open doorway like smoke while I try to talk myself into getting up.
I admit my investigations are a bit lackluster in the beginning. I mean, when a man like Dom says go ahead and search my stuff, you know anything interesting is already some place you won’t find it. It’s mildly amusing that he rolls his toothpaste tube clockwise but not earth-shattering. Then I find the first thing he left for me. A house key on a pretty enameled keychain. It’s sitting on top of his perfectly folded underwear, so I’m positive he means me to have it. I set it on the dresser and become slightly more focused in my search.
The upstairs doesn’t take long. I skip over Cass’s room as I’m positive Dom wouldn’t ride rough-shod over her privacy without including her in the conversation. So that leaves his room, the attached bathroom and the one in the hall, the linen cupboard and the guest room. In all I collect a pretty crystal dish (sitting at the bottom of the empty laundry hamper), a romance novel I haven’t read yet (under the pillow in the guest room), and a small but elegant black mask like you might wear to a costume party. That last one was waiting for me on top of the extra rolls of toilet paper stored under his bathroom sink.
I head downstairs with a shake of my head. The flick of my hair reflected in the hallway mirror catches my attention. And reminds me that I get to go back to the salon next week and get more of the damaged ends cut off. In another couple of months, I’ll be sporting my natural pale blonde.
There’s simply more stuff downstairs and I get a little sidetracked in the movies and music section of the living room. I almost missed the engagement ring sitting on top of the butter in the refrigerator. Strange man. I take it and the little box of chocolates and the body lotion with micro sparkles upstairs with me. My three hours were up ten minutes ago, so if there’s more down here, he’ll have to help me find it later. Plus, I’m tired.
I strip in his bathroom and then stand there like an idiot holding my clothes. Do I put them in the empty hamper? Or the bottom of my bag like I would if I were at a hotel. When I shiver, I toss them into the hamper and wrap Dom’s navy blue robe around me. I didn’t exactly pack for the bedroom. I don’t have anything nearly sexy enough to catch his eye, and I figured we’d be naked most of the time, anyway.
The smooth sheets are cold against my bare skin and I shift restlessly, trying to warm myself up. Then I hear the front door open and close quietly. Even though I know he’s in the house, I still let out a small squeak when he breathes into my ear, “I like coming home to you in my bed, Leanne.”
“Jesus! How do you do that?” I sit up abruptly, nearly smacking him on the nose in the process. For a man who can move so quietly, you’d think he could duck out of the way a little faster.
I flip the bedside light on and frown down at Leanne’s bare ring finger.
“Baby, did you do your assignment?”
She yawns like she’s over it. “Yes, I think so. It’s all up there on the dresser.” She turns over and nestles into the pillow. I study the top of the dresser from across the room. I can see the sparkle of the diamond from here.
“But you didn’t find the instructions?” I deduce from her clean skin and bare finger.
“Lieutenant, if you want people to follow orders, you shouldn’t hide them. No, whatever is on the dresser is what I found that didn’t seem to fit. Come to bed, Dom. You can point out my shortcomings in the morning.”
I frown at that. This wasn’t meant to be some kind of test. I flick the light off again as her breathing evens out. I had thought the evening might continue in a more exploratory manner, but she’s right. It will all hold for tomorrow.
Studying my reflection in the bathroom mirror as I brush my teeth, I ponder the way life can switch on a dime. Single guy to single dad in a minute and without any sex to leave a clue of what was about to happen. Single dad to nearly married in a few weeks. Again, without any sex. At least that last one I can rectify. And since Leanne is warm and naked in my bed already, I can assume she’s not going to be shocked if I am, too.
When I slide into bed next to her, she gravitates against my body, snuggling in with a soft, breathy sigh. Her hair smells like almonds. I admit I’m curious to see what color it ends up when she finally decides who she wants to be.
The ache in my cock wakes me in the wee hours of the morning. There’s just enough light to discern the teasing glint in Leanne’s brown eyes. She’s pinned beneath me in the bed. When I groan and start to move off of her, she stops me with her short-trimmed nails digging into my shoulders.
“Pretty sure it’s a sin to waste an erection like that.” Her smile is seductive and warm.
“How long have I been crushing you, baby?” I rub a hand over my eyes, trying to clear the sleep from my brain.
Leanne shrugs. “Not sure, but it’s kinda cozy. I woke up to something prodding me, but you didn’t seem inclined to take it further. What’s the male version of a cock-tease?” She’s twinkling far too much for someone that hasn’t had any coffee.
I growl and roll back on top of her, being careful to settle my weight between her spread thighs. Then I kiss her slowly. Taking my time, tasting her and testing her openness to my invasion. Finally, I pull back with a groan. “I had plans. I don’t know why I bother, really.”
Leanne giggles. “I know. How did I end up here again? Two weeks ago, I barely knew who you were. I certainly didn’t expect to see you naked.” She spoils her expression of shocked awe by running a possessive hand over my ass. My cock surges with the tacit approval. My brain reminds me that something doesn’t quite fit. I stare down at the beauty beneath me.
“You look innocent, but your hand on my ass says otherwise. What are we working with here, Leanne?”
Her hand immediately disappears as her cheeks flush, making me frown. “Baby, I wasn’t complaining. But I need to know how much experience you’ve had. Being a virgin doesn’t mean you haven’t done… other things. I don’t want to hurt you or shock you past the fun level.”
Her eyes narrow, but her hands remain hidden. “I read a lot, okay?”
“Great. Doesn’t answer the question.” I wait, but her eyes are darting everywhere except meeting mine. Her fair skin is rosy and now I want to know if she’s blushing all over. I roll us over so I can check. Then gather her close when she whimpers.
“Leanne? Remember that lecture you gave me about trust?”