Page 12 of Too Many Alphas
“Oh. Good. That will be handy. You can ask any of my friends. I get irritated a lot.”
“Given that a mate you hadn’t met took action that nearly killed you, you have a reason for it.”
“Naw, I was born cranky.”
Keres chuckled. “Good. It helps. So does a sense of humour and STD testing for the group. That is for peace of mind. The dark Elite aren’t susceptible to any standard diseases that I know of, but seeing things in black and white means you are all going into it clear. Plus, it will delay things a few days. You are going to need a regular gyno. We take a bit of a pounding and need to keep an eye on things we can’t really bend to see.”
Myrtle felt her face getting hot. “Right. I am clear. The hospital did full workups. I have my paperwork.”
“It still won’t hurt to get a specialist who knows what to look out for.” Keres patted her shoulder.
“I think I have seen most of the specialists in the city. Certainly, the ones at the hospital and the Omega Centre have all rooted around in my business.”
“The Omega Centre took an interest?”
“Sure. They were working for the stronghold. They were asked to monitor me. I know that the phones went nuts when I stopped going for appointments.”
Keres frowned. “Why did you stop going?”
“I grew over a foot when I met Odette. I thought that would gather some attention, so I decided they didn’t need to watch me die. I saved that for my friends.”
“Not family?”
“My family tries to save my soul once a year during the holidays with a lengthy card listing all the inappropriate parts of my latest works.”
“Oh. I am guessing they have no effect.”
“My friends and I get drunk and do a round-robin read. Some folks get up and do a dramatic recital. It’s hilarious.”
Keres chuckled as they stepped outside and walked across the yard to an old carriage house that had been renovated. “It sounds like fun.”
“It is fun. Despite my efforts, I have a lot of friends of differing genders.”
Keres laughed. “My sister, Persephone, is like that. She just gathers people all around her despite her efforts. She also has a cat rescue, so let me know if you are in the market for a cat.”
“Oh. I always wanted to be a crazy cat lady. Goes with the author vibe.”
Keres laughed. “I enjoy your sense of humour. Achilles used to masquerade as a cat, so I guess he could pick one. Though, there aren’t any mice, and he does get up to walk around the house at night, so it’s possible the catlike reflexes have stayed. I don’tthinkhe has mouse breath.”
“I believe that is something you would know.”
Keres shrugged. “I believe certain mysteries need to be maintained, but I am going to ask him about getting a few cats. I know Dante would be all for it. He likes hanging out at the shelter. We are quite the popular attraction. You’ll get used to it.”
“What, the pasty, tall thing?”
“You have a lovely pearl finish to your skin with a swirling silver shadowy cast under it. It’s very pretty.”
“Thanks. I think the shadows are writer’s fatigue.”
Keres smiled and led her to the upper floor, putting a silky nightshirt in Myrtle’s hands. “You are all settling in, so this will help you to get comfortable. You have three guys, so you might want to sleep on top of one of them. Starting under one is not a move for novices. They are solid as fuck.”
Myrtle nodded. “Got it. Don’t get crushed. Don’t catch anything. Do wear stuff to bed as it will remind them that I am not there to play with them.” She paused. “Oh, and don’t put any of this in a book.”
“I doubt they will care.” Keres laughed. “I think they would be proud.”
“Yeah, but my family gets on my books enough without giving them more ammunition.”
Keres pushed her into the bathroom and leaned against the door as Myrtle changed. “You do realize that you are over a foot taller than you used to be, you have internal wiring that is going to start kicking in, and you actually have three mates who are now going to ease into becoming your major support system?”