Page 30 of Too Many Alphas
Keres nodded to her. “Because she messed with your alphas. Even unbonded, you felt it. That being said, with Toros, what are you going to do with him?”
“No clue. I have too many alphas.” She groaned and then asked, “Where did you put her?”
“About five kilometres from the stronghold. She can walk it by sunset.” Keres chuckled. “I wonder what they are going to do with her new face?”
“Well, probably try and nullify my markings. That won’t work, so taking her face off or masking her are the only options.” Myrtle ran a hand through her hair. “Well, I no longer need stabilizing alphas or alphas in general, so what am I supposed to do now? At least I still have my computer.”
Teyval walked to her and wrapped his arms around her. “We still need you.”
She leaned against him and ran her hand over his arms. “Thanks for that.”
Suddenly, there was a gasp. “Holy shit, Turtle! You have some skills!”
The audience that they had suddenly came to her. “Nisha! Oh boy.”
Her roommate came around and smiled at her. “Can I braid your hair?”
Teyval said softly, “Try, and you will draw back a stump.”
Nisha paused. “Okay. Haircare is serious to folks with pointy ears.”
Keres smiled and pulled out a long, braided strand. “It’s the equivalent of a wedding ring.”
Nisha blinked. “All braids?”
Keres shook her head. “No, just the first.”
Achilles pulled his braid out to display it. “We all have them. Three members, three strands.”
Myrtle leaned back against Teyval. “Too many alphas.”
Teyval released her, took her hand, and tugged her back to the carriage house. Myrtle saw Keres diverting Nisha, and a few moments later, they were all in the carriage house, looking at the humiliated Toros.
Denith looked at her. “He wanted to know how bad it was. So, I showed him pictures of me and then images of you flickering and stuck as a beta.”
Toros was sitting curled forward. “I don’t know how I was so stupid.”
Myrtle blinked and got the book from her pants. “How about this? The queen’s diary.”
Teyval gasped. “How are you touching that?”
“With my fingers. Miss Thang had it taped to her torso. So, I ripped it off her.” She looked at the leather-bound book that had discolouration on it. She opened it, and knowledge ripped into her.
Teyval caught her as she pitched to one side and gasped. “You should not have tried to read it.”
She closed the book and looked up at him. “Oh, Teyval. What they did to her. We are all in there, by the way.”
“Us. Keres and hers, Ruby, Emmy, Odette, and many others.”
“Treasure, how do you know those names?” Teyval murmured.
“They are in the book, along with the list of mates and a few mentions of the genders of the first generations. She was very wise.”
“Is the memory of her end still there?”
“It is thankfully fading.” She shuddered. “That was... horrifying and so very sad.”