Page 32 of Too Many Alphas
“Yes, omega. I was foolish, it was dangerous, and I will spend the rest of my life atoning for it.”
She shook her head. “No. Not necessary.” She grabbed his shoulders, and her knee shot up hard. The impact was tremendous, and she thought she felt something crunch.
She lunged to the side as he collapsed and vomited.
The other three were grey, but they nodded. It was what she had said she would do, after all.
“If you guys want to help him out, you can. I wanted to get that out of the way before we bonded and I felt it, too. I am going to get some coffee.” She leaned over, patted Toros’s shoulder, and walked into the kitchen.
The three alphas sprang into action. Byron and Teyval went to help Toros up while Denith went for an ice pack.
Myrtle watched them clean Toros up and get him settled, and then they gave him what he needed to start healing. She felt good now. Clear. The rage faded for her by carrying out her plan of action. As a beta, she would be horrified by what she did, not to mention terrified to assault an alpha. Today, it was just what she had to do.
Toros was up. They tried to get him to sit back down, but he moved slowly toward her, placed a hand on the counter, and went down on one knee. “Omega. I accept and welcome your punishment. Whatever else you deem necessary is fine as well.”
She touched his cheek. “That was it. I know you were under duress, in thrall. You were stupid, not malicious, and once she had convinced you, you were lost. So, I have administered my punishment to you. It is done. I don’t like prolonged grovelling or apologizing. It will always remind me of the betrayal, and that will trigger fury. Are we understanding each other?”
His eyes widened, and he nodded. “So, we are good?”
“Fresh start. But our becoming a large pack is now dependent on your recovery, so focus on that, please.” She bent forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Get up slowly, Toros.”
He wrapped an arm around her hips and held her, pressing his head to her chest. She stroked his hair and felt his silent sobbing. She sent curls of her life force into him, and his crying calmed. His other arm wrapped around her, and he held her like Denith had. Byron was standing by, so she held her hand out to him, and he stood near her. She took his hand and pressed it to her cheek. He smiled and wove his fingers with hers.
After a solid five minutes, Toros got himself together and slowly got to his feet. He looked at her and saw her clinging to Byron’s hand. He frowned.
Myrtle shrugged. “I am not good with emotional displays, so instead of punching you in the head to make you let go, I let you have your time and asked Byron to help me balance. I like the cuddling, but your emotions were like a tidal wave behind glass, and I couldn’t touch or soothe them. Do you know how frustrating that is for an omega? We want to keep our alphas happy and functioning. You are neither right now. I am responsible for the second part, so that is frustrating because I just want to make it better.”
His eyes gleamed a little.
“Not kiss it and make it better, perv. That’s a little advanced for me right now.”
Byron pulled her against him. “We will be starting from zero.”
Myrtle grimaced. “He isn’t wrong.”
Toros’s jaw opened. “Wow. Unexpected.”
She looked around the room at the alphas who were leaning on the other side of the counter. “Yeah. This wasn’t on my itinerary either. So, you heal. Teyval’s place is finishing a reno, and Nisha is gleefully packing up my stuff.”
Toros blinked. “A reno?”
Teyval nodded. “We had a few weeks to get ready for her when you couldn’t be located.”
Toros sighed. “I was on vacation when I met her, and she kept me from returning to the city. How long was I out of it?”
Myrtle sighed. “Nearly six weeks.”
He blinked. “You survived that?”
“I am stubborn, and I like living most of the time. So, what is your occupation?”
“Contractor. I work with an architect to design and build eco-friendly pack houses.”
“You are going to want to get in contact with your business partners,” Byron muttered.
Toros reached for his phone, winced, and moved slowly.
He walked into the other room and started speaking. He cleared his throat. “It was a family emergency, and I am getting back to things now. It won’t happen again. My omega won’t let it.”